A glimpse at Y/N

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I sat down at my desk and looked around, i had a seat next to Satou Hiroshi.
" good morning Satou! " i greeted him. He looked over at me.
" good morning L/N " Satou greeted back.
" He's so nice.." You thought.
They looked away from each other.

Saiki passed by class 2, he stopped to look at Satou.
" oh Satou is here.." Saiki thought, " he's in class earlier than usual.."
Saiki gazed at him.

I looked over at Satou again.
" So how is your morning so far? " i asked. Satou looked over at me again.
" oh it's been okay, how about you? " He replied. " It has been fine " I smiled at him.
" since I'm talking to you," you thought.

" hey whos this girl? Does she have a crush on him? " Saiki thought " Let me see.."
He put the heart meeter thing on Satou.

" oh her liking for him is at least 87% " Saiki's eyes widened. " and how about satou's liking for the girl? " he looked over at the girl.
" oh seems to be a 65% just as a friend huh," Saiki thought.

Satou and I continued to talk until the bell rang.
Saiki looked closer at Y/N.
" what? She's average too! " Saiki had a shocked face " She has normal grades normal everything! her hobbies are [ Your hobbies ], I don't think I would stumble upon such an average female.." Saiki thought.
He started to walk back to class.
" it's normal to have a friend as a girl isn't it? Of course, it is no one should think of anything weird like that. " Saiki thought.
" What's a way to get her attention, last time I tried it on Satou and he didn't even care. But this is a different person we're talking about, maybe she'll talk to me. " Saiki thought as he sat at his desk. Teruhashi walked towards him.
" good morning Saiki! " teruhashi exclaimed.
Saiki nodded.
" what just a nod? The prettiest and perfect girl just said ' good morning ' to you and you reply with a nod!? A plain bland nod! " Teruhashi thought " you're supposed to say ' oh wow! ' not a boring nod! " She walked away and sat down at her desk.
" why so fussy for," Saiki thought
The class had begun for both Y/N and Saiki's classrooms.

How will Saiki approach Y/N? Probably the same way he approached Satou right? That's the only way right!

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