Second approach

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A/N : Sorry I haven't published in a while, I've been busy! So here's an extra page! ( ^ω^ )

    »»————- ♡ ————-««

" it been a week, a whole week, and I'm getting nowhere," Saiki thought " but the forecast said it was going to rain today, so maybe she'll forget her umbrella " he looked outside, teruhashi stepped in front of his view.

" good morning Saiki! " She smiled at him.
       " cmon give me an' oh wow! ' " Teruhashi thought.

Saiki nodded
" WHAT," Teruhashi thought, her face went blank.

" well have a good day " She started to walk away. 
" sorry teruhashi I'm busy thinking of something," Saiki thought.

" Good morning Satou! " y/n gazed at him as he sat down in his seat.
" ah good morning L/N, how are you? " Satou asked.
Y/N got happy when Satou replied back.
" Oh well I've been good Satou! How have you- "
The bell rang.

Y/n was interrupted by the bell.
" oh wow," y/n sighed.


It was after school already. Y/n looked out.
" oh no it's raining.." y/n thought.

y/n started to walk out.
       " that's not good," she thought.
" perfect, my time to shine," Saiki thought. He brought out his umbrella and started to walk towards her.

Satou looked over at y/n.
Y/n looked at Satou.
" so you forgot your umbrella to " Satou chuckled.
Y/n nodded.
They both awkwardly stood still while everyone with umbrellas went outside. Saiki stood and watched.
" do I just swoop in or? " Saiki thought

Satou took off his sweater, y/n looked ahead at the rain.
" here ill put this over you L/n, ill walk you home " He put the sweater over her. " it probably won't do much but it's the best I can do. " He smiled.
" What," Saiki thought.

Y/n froze.
" Are you sure you'll be cold?" y/n asked.
" I'll be fine " he replied " we should get going before the rain starts to pour harder " Satou looked out.
Y/n nodded. They walked outside, Rain hit y/n and Satou.
" oh wow " Saiki sighed and walked outside with his umbrella.
      " I have to think hard and far for this to work, wait I just got an Idea.." Saiki froze in place.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

A/N: so what's Saiki's idea this time? Will this one work for sure? 🤔

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