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After the bell rang, Y/N walked over to the girls' restroom. Y/N was instructed by the teacher to go seek for hii.

"Just knock on the outside of the restroom door; you have my permission. I'm just worried that girl has gotten herself into some trouble again; it's been 20 minutes since she's asked to use the restroom, and you are the only one in the class right now."

Y/N stood in front of the girls' restroom and knocked, "Hii, are you in there?"
It was quiet.

Y/N entered the restroom and noticed Hii biting her nails nervously while glancing at herself in the mirror. She looked over at Y/N with wide eyes.

Y/N started walking towards Hii, saying, "We've been looking for you-"

"THE DOOR, L/N!" hii shouted and sprinted towards it.

but it was too late; the door had shut.

"Hii, what's the matter?" y/n questioned, hii heard the concern in their tone.

Hii looked panicked as she tried to open the door. "The door... it's."

she looked back at y/n, "it's frozen...jammed!"

It was colder than usual at P.K. Academy, so cold that you felt like you were frozen. In this case, it's bad for Hii and her bad luck that the door handle for the girl's restroom froze and trapped her inside. But from the outside, it's not affected. But since the two stayed for after-school lessons, most of the teachers started leaving, and it was really only them on campus.

"What... do you mean it's jammed?" Y/N looked confused.

They walked towards the Hii and the door. They tugged at the handle a few times, but nothing worked.

Hii started panicking, saying, "Oh gosh, I shouldn't have used the restroom here knowing my bad luck! I'm so sorry, L/N! I'm so sorry I caused you to be trapped here with me!"

Y/N looked over at Hii's panicked face and thought, "Okay, I kind of wanted to leave and not look for Hii, but now I'm glad I didn't and found her."

Look, Hii, we'll be okay. I'm sure someone will check the restrooms before everyone leaves!" Y/N leaned against the wall and sat on the floor. "Let's just listen if someone's passing by and get their attention, ok?"

Hii still had a frown, but Y/N gave her a bit of hope. She nodded and stood a distance from Y/N feeling bad that they were there because of her.


Saiki felt the chill of the breeze on his face and reacted by wrapping his scarf over his nose. "I'm almost home, just around the block."

Footsteps were heard in the distance, which made Saiki walk faster. He already knew who was approaching him.

"SAIKI WAIIIT-" Toritsuka slipped and tumbled forward. UAHHH."

Saiki ignored him and continued walking away.


Saiki stopped and looked back at Toritsuka.
"What are you talking about?"

Toritsuka weakly stood up again and said, "They've been in there for half an hour. I guess the cold weather mixed with Hii isn't a good match."

Saiki sighed and started walking toward school again.

20 minutes pass

Hii was still standing on her own, gazing at her reflection. Her legs shivered every once in awhile.

"Hii, aren't you tired? Why don't you sit down?" y/n offered and patted the floor next to them.

"I really shouldn't..."

y/n arched their eyebrows and said, ""Don't take all the blame on yourself, Hii. Yeah, you have bad luck, but it's not entirely your fault."

hii looked away from y/n, "you don't understand."

y/n stood up and walked towards Hii, saying, "I may not understand, but just know you won't have bad luck forever. As long as you have someone besides you who understands your bad luck and stays with you for you, that should have you know someone cares about you and your bad luck. Maybe all you need is a friend?" Y/N gently placed their hand on Hii's shoulder.

Hii pouted and glanced back at y/n, "L/N..."

Hi's eyes were gleaming as she fought back tears in response to Y/N's words. She really wasn't expecting it. Though when you are trapped in a room, some truth comes out most of the time, Hii and y/n were both taken by surprise.

"Hii!" Y/N exclaimed, their eyes widening in surprise as Hii hugged them, who was sniffling and still holding back tears, "You're freezing!"

Y/N took off their scarf and wrapped it around Hii.

"What l/n! No, I can't accept this! You know something will probably happen to it!"

"It's the least I can do. I didn't know how much this bad luck thing really affected you."

They smiled at each other.
"thank you!" Hii gleamed.




"saiki... we've been standing here for like 5 minutes, are you gonna open the door?" Toritsuka questioned.

"I'll open it; I was just letting them have their moment," Saiki said with a smile.

"Uhh what moment?" toritsuka tilted his head, "saiki? hellooooo"

A/N; ....hey! i know it's been...awhile. BUT I'M BACK!! i was going to do another thing of this story and start off new but i'd rather just have it be like this, it's less difficult for me and you guy's to read :) well i hope you guys enjoy the upcoming chapters! bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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