Coffee Jelly

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"Hmmm" Saiki muttered as he looked at the coffee jelly, "This one seems better".
Finally, after 10 minutes Saiki decided on a coffee jelly suitable for his liking.
           Ding Doong

"Uhhh flowers and chocolates.." Y/N sighed looking at their list.
Saiki noticed someone a little familiar...
"Is that..L/N?" Saiki raised his eyebrows surprised, "I wouldn't have thought I'd run into them here".
Saiki slid back hiding behind an isle.

                                           ISLE 7
"Here should be the flowers.." Y/N walking in the aisle.
Saiki peaked through a crack from the other side of the aisle.
"Excuse me, do you arrange the flowers here?" Y/N asked the worker.

"Hmm, so they're looking for flowers? I wonder what for.." Saiki looked down wondering.
"Thank you!" Y/N walked off, "Now...chocolates! this should be..easy.."
                                           ASLE 8
                                  CANDY - SNACKS
"there's no absolute way all the chocolates are..gone.." Y/N sighed.
"I mean it is valentines weekend.." Saiki's eyes widened, " L/N have a...Valentine??"
"Ohhh nooo this isn't good..the past stores I've checked had nothing either!!" Y/N was massaging their head. Y/N turned their head and saw Saiki glaring at them through the empty aisle.
"Saiki?" They muttered.
"..." Saiki stood in silence.
"..." Y/N stood in silence.
"L/N, I didn't uh, see you there" Saiki mumbled.
Y/N nodded, "Uh well anyways. Saiki, have you seen any chocolates around here?"
"Chocolates.. no I haven't" Saiki answered.
"Ohh okay then.." Y/N muttered, "Well I should get going now".
They waved saiki goodbye and went on ahead.
"I would've thought there would be chocolates here. Or at least something else." Y/N thought to themself.
Saiki had read Y/N's mind.
Saiki sighed, "I guess ill help them".
"L/N" Saiki called out.
Y/N turned back, "Hm?"
"Does coffee jelly work?" Saiki asked.
Y/N nodded.

                                            AISLE 8
                                  CANDY - SNACKS
Y/N glared at the coffee jelly.
Saiki stared at Y/N.
"Well, then ill take this!" Y/N picked the coffee jelly, "Thanks for helping me out Saiki".
Saiki nodded.
Y/N checked the time, "I have to get going.."
"That's okay," Saiki told.
"Well thanks again, Saiki! see you tomorrow!"
Y/N left the store.

"Right, tomorrow is valentines day" Saiki looked down, "Those flowers and that coffee jelly may be going to someone who isn't me.."

A/N: Thank you guys so much for being patient! i really appreciate it! From now on i should be posting every monday!!

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