Snow Day

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"it has been a week since y/n and toritsuka have been making a plan, now its time to put it in action," saiki thought, "to be honest I'm kind of curious to-"

"hey Saiki!" toritsuka placed his hand on Saiki's shoulder.

"you seriously interrupted my thoughts?" saiki looked back at toritsuka.

"ahaha sorry my bad, but you're still coming after school today right?" he asked.

"Yeah I guess so" saiki answered.

"Okay! to be honest, Saiki it's not like you to tag along with stuff like this, well anyways gotta go see ya!" toritsuka ran off.

"well, I just want to see the outcome that's all" saiki walked into class, "totally not going because of y/n or anything".

         ────── {⋅. AFTER SCHOOL.⋅} ──────

toritsuka and y/n stood side by side.

"a snow day" they looked out at all the snow.

"hey y/n, toritsuka, are you guys ready to head over to the park?" Satou asked, right next to him was hii.

"oh yeah we're ready!" toritsuka smiled.

saiki sighed, "there's no way this plan is going to work, come on now.."




"hey, it was nice of you guys to invite me! despite my bad luck and all.." Hii looked down.

"don't worry about it! you're one of our friends now, of course, we'd invite you" y/n smiled.

"you're guys friend, not mine" saiki thought.

"say Hii, it feels like your bad luck went down a little no? like before it was really really bad but now it's gone down in a way" toritsuka mentioned.

( just pretend that the episode of toritsuka and saiki curing Hii's spirit guardian passed already, sorry I'm a lazy writer and didn't wanna rewrite the episode lol)

"oh, your right it has," Hii muttered.

"well it looks like the park is full of snow, and it looks soft" y/n walked up to the snow.

"Alright! how about we do a snowman competition!" toritsuka looked back at Satou and hii, "me and hii against you and y/n!".

"that sounds fun and all but what about saiki?" satou looked back.

" the judge! he will say whos snowman is best! what do you guys think?" toritsuka asked.

"already putting your guys plan to work huh" saiki sighed.

"well come on Hii, theres no time to waste!" toritsuka started forming the bottom half of the snowman.

"oh right! Okay!" she followed behind.

"hmm i never really talked to satou face to face, i mean sometimes but, it feels different.." y/n looked away from satou.

"cmon y/n, theyre already ahead of us" satou spoke.

"oh yeah right!" y/n snapped out of her thoughts, "do you think over there will be fine?"


saiki sighed, "well i guess i just need to wait and see how this goes"




"hmp theyre halfway done..." y/n watched toritsuka and hii decorate the snowman.

"well y/n its not about how fast we build the snowman right? isnt it about how good it looks?" satou added.

"oh i mean..that is true" y/n agreed.

"well see then? nothing to worry about! as long as ours is done good then we should win!" satou smiled. y/n nodded.
"have you guys finished?" hii asked.

"yeahh it's been awhileeee" toritsuka complained.

"yep! we finished" satou looked at the messy snowman.


"is something the matter?" y/n asked.

"well its.." hii kept her mouth shut.

"A+ for effort i guess" toritsuka shrugged, "well saiki who's the winner here?"

"Toritsuka and hii win" saiki sighed. (he was secretly rooting for his two favs satou and y/n ofc)

"we won hii!" toritsuka cheered.

"hmm well, maybe if you guys fixed his head a little-"
hii knocked off the snowmans head.

"WOOPS I-" she bumped into the snowman.

"The snowman!" Satou ran up to hii.
he held her shoulders still before her clumsiness can get a hold of her.

"i'm sorry! didn't mean to- i was just trying to fix it!" hii argued.

"it's fine don't worry! right y/n???" Satou looked back.

"why is satou still holding on to her? ughhh i knew i should've slipped so satou can run up to me.." y/n was lost in thought.

"well i'm pretty sure they agree, but it's fine we can rebuild it!" satou cheered hii up.

"okay!" hii smiled.

"well i guess that plan didn't work, i wonder how the other one will go" saiki wondered.

"come on y/n!!! snap. out. of. IT" toritsuka shook

"what oh right right" y/n sighed.

"i know a way don't worry! trust me" toritsuka smiled.

"i wouldn't trust that guy" saiki claimed.

"hey hii, satou! forget the snowman, lets have a snowball fight!" toritsuka exclaimed.

"a snowball fight?" hii asked.

"yeah! we can do teams again! this time, me and y/n will be on each others team" toritsuka threw his arm around y/n.

"oh? okay then" satou agreed.

they then made snow walls.

"this wasn't a plan, what are you trying to do?" y/n muttered.

"you'll see!" toritsuka whispered.

"lets start now!" toritsuka threw a snowball at their snow wall.

this snowball fight went on for awhile, until it was a no snow wall zone.

"HYA" toritsuka threw a snowball at satou.
they all laughed.

"hmm its been 30 minutes and still no plan at work from toritsuka" saiki watched as he swung on the swing, "maybe i'll get a closer look".

"And now for my special move!" y/n shouted, "and...spin-"

little did y/n know, saiki was behind them.
y/n landed on saiki. his glasses were on the floor.
"crap... i just have to keep my eyes closed like an idiot, i can't turn them into stone" saiki tried feeling for his glasses.

"oh saiki i'm sorry i didn't see you there! i uhm. your glasses! here!" y/n handed him his glasses.
Saiki opened his eyes, "uhm y/n" (he didn't use his telepathy 🫢)

"OH SHOOT RIGHT HAHA UHM SORRY" y/n got off saiki and helped him up as well.

"hmm maybe we should call it a day" hii said from afar.

"yeah i am pretty sore from throwing all those snow balls haha" satou stretched.

"i guess so.." toritsuka sighed, the plan didn't work.

"well we'll see you guys tomorrow!!" satou yelled out walking backwards with hii.
the others waved, except saiki he was still processing what the hell just happened.

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