Third approach

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Saiki walked up the stairs, he stopped by year 2 class.
     " today, the plan will work. " Saiki thought, he stared at y/n.
He walked back to his class.
     " It will work! " Saiki thought.
Right as he turned the corner of the door he was greeted by the sight of Teruhashi.
" good morning Saiki! " She smiled
He nodded.
        " That's the 8th nod this week! Is he ignoring me!? " teruhashi thought " no I'm the prettiest girl! Why would someone ignore me? "
" so Saiki are you busy today? " She asked.
" I am," Saiki said using his telepathy.
     " oh he's busy.." teruhashi thought.
" oh well sorry I was just wondering! " She nervously smiled
" wondering, if we can maybe han-" she was cut off by the school bell.
        " WHY BELL! " Teruhashi thought.
        " Ha," Saiki thought.

         " It's almost time,  for my plan to go into action, I hope this one works. " Saiki thought.
The bell rang.
          " welp time to go," Saiki thought. He darted out of the classroom and headed up to the library.
" hey wheres, buddy? " Nendo asked kaidou and aren.
" oh saiki? I don't know he randomly darted out " Aren replied.

         " and now we wait," Saiki thought. " wait patiently "

Y/n got up from her desk and watched Satou as he left the classroom.
           " reminds me I need to go study," She thought.
Y/n left that classroom and headed to the Library. She opened the library door.
            " Perfect! Every Thursday she studies here at the school library. " Saiki thought.
Y/n walked over to grab a book on her subject she's struggling on.
             " this one here " She gripped the book she needed. " there we go! " y/n smiled.
            " now to wait for you to choose a table " he watched her.
She sat at a table away from Saiki.
              " Fine I'll go to you then," Saiki thought.
He waited to see if she was struggling with a problem.
              " What even is this? " She thought to herself.
               " and now! " Saiki thought. He started to walk to her. " and now I'm feeling nervous "
               " I'll grab another book or something. " y/n thought to herself. She got up.
               " Wait I'm behind you-"
Y/n's head hit Saiki's chin as she was getting up.
" Tch! " She mumbled and held her head.
Saiki put his hand on his chin and looked down at y/n.
" sorry are you okay? " Saiki used his telepathy.
" yea I'm fine sorry about that I didn't know you were behind me. " She looked up at Saiki.
         " what ann approach," Saiki thought to himself.
" my name is Saiki kusuo, sorry for being behind you at that time. " saiki used his telepathy.
" Oh no it's not your fault, I didn't see you there and I should've checked my surroundings, But my name is L/N Y/N " She smiled at Saiki.
            " L/N Y/N? What a nice name. " Saiki thought.
Saiki looked at the book she dropped. He picked it up.
" Math Huh? " saiki examined the book.
Y/n nodded her head.
" yea I'm having trouble on that subject right now. " she sighed.
              " my chance my chance my chance my chance my chance "
" well if you want I can help you with math, I have a passing grade on the subject " Saiki looked at y/n.
She looked up at him
" you'll do that? You'll help me out? " her eyes widened.
Saiki nodded.
" oh okay! " She took the book from Saiki. " let me grab a better book then" She sprinted to where all the books were.
          " Finally, finally, I did it. Now I have to get closer to her. " Saiki thought. He sat down next to her chair.
Y/n came back with a book. She sat next to Saiki.
" here's a better description of what I'm working on in class " she slid the book to Saiki.
            " well this will be easy," Saiki thought.
" Okay I understand this, lets begin then " Saiki grabbed a pencil.


" oh okay, I kinda get it now" She wrote down the equation.
The librarian lady interrupted their session.
" Sorry kids we're closing up the Libary soon," Librarian told them.
Y/n looked up
" oh alright " She replied.
Saiki closed the book.


they walked outside of the school.
" thank you Saiki for helping me out! " She smiled at him.
" No problem " saiki nodded.
" well I go this way, maybe ill see you around school! " y/n started to turn around.
" Bye! " She waved as she started to get farther away.
Saiki waved back.

" The more I get to know you the more I want to be closer to you, why? " Saiki thought..

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