My Bad Luck!

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"Alright, this will be easy!" y/n thought to themselves as they passed the school gate, "all i have to do is slip the letter in his shoe locker and leave the chocolates in his desk! what a perfect plan!"

                                     The bell rings.
Y/n sighed, "this does cause me to be late to class though.."
Y/n searched for satous locker, "i remember it was here somewhere.."
                                  5 minutes pass
"Here!" y/n slipped the letter in satous locker, "Now!... for the chocolates.."

Y/n opened the classroom door, "sorry i'm late i-". Y/n stopped speaking as they seen the new student Hii under rubble with satou.
"Oh what perfect timing, where were you?" Saiki looked over at y/n with Mikoto by his side.
"Satou! are you alright?!?!" Y/n sprinted to him.
Satous face beamed as his head was rested on Hii's lap.
"there's.. no way.." Y/n began to think.
"Hmm this might work out for me, not only does Hii get less bad luck when she's with satou, but then again Y/n will lose connection with Satou and i can get closer to them" Saiki made a connection.
                                   Later that day
Y/n looked at the flowers and chocolates sitting on her desk, " i mean i have him the letter but... i forgot to write my freaking name.."
They rolled over on their bed, "And to think i have competition with the new girl..Hii Suzumiya.."
They sighed, "i guess i have to see how this goes.."

                           Time skip: Wednesday
Y/n watched all the chaos from their seat.
Juices being spilled. Satou sharing his desk with Hii. Juices being spilled again. Him offering to share his textbook with her.
"What else could go wrong?" Y/n wondered.
Toritsuka really was making matters worse. he kept making Satou and Hii closer. All y/n can do is watch.
"Hey hii, wanna go on a date afterschool today?" Toritsuka asked.
Y/n's eyes widened. But the one most shocked here was Hii.
"This..this could work out! maybe Hii likes toritsuka.. then i can have Satou fall for mee!!!" Y/n Smiled.
"Ugh toritsuka you can't be serious" Saiki took a deep breath.
"Thank you for asking me to go with you! but i can't today.." Hii looked down, her face still blushed.
Y/n's head slammed on the desk.
Toritsuka stood still.
"I already made plans-" Satou interrupted Hii, "Oh it's okay don't worry about me!"
"I'm doing something with Satou this afternoon"
Y/n looked up, "i'm not going to listen to this anymore". Y/n sat up and began to walk out the class.
"Well Y/n realizes now whats going on between them.." Saiki smiled.

After school

It was a nice calm evening. Y/n decided to chillax a little bit and get their mind off Hii and Satou being together, so they went to the cafe. Once it started getting late they left, but of course something went wrong.
"Is that..Hii and Satou?? are you serious??" Y/n whispered, "ugh they look so happy.."
Y/n looked back and started walking another way, "do i really have to let satou go?".
Y/n's eyes started to get teary, "but..i like him..".
They stopped walking.
"NO. I CANT LOSE. I HAVE TO-" Y/n stopped and looked over to see A man starring at Y/n yelling like an idiot.
"Uhhm" He scratched his head.
"Ah- I'm.." Y/n turned red from embarrassment, "Wait i know you.. you're in my class! Toritsuka right?"
He nodded.
Y/n smiled, "And that girl? Suzumiya Hii don't you?"
Toritsuka left no comment.
"I don't care if you do or not. Toritsuka, as a fellow classmate you will help me win Satous heart!" Y/n shouted, "and i have a plan.."

A/N: Well well well, we have a jealous y/n now don't we???? there's going to be some drama happening here!! How salty. Whats y/n's plan???  and will Satou keep having a crush on Hii? Does toritsuka still have a crush on Hii?? Does saiki get a pinch of jealousy??? Let's find out on the next chapter coming out April 2nd! omg this sounds like a movie Lol

[In case you forgot who suzumiya hii is, she comes out episode 4 of Saiki K reawakened!  and you can search her up on safari!:) ]

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