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Y/n's View

"I'm so fucking tired." I say falling on the floor.

Avani laughs and Dixie helps me up.

"At least we can finally shower." Dixie says.

We don't take showers for a whole week so we can win the game after that week. It's not healthy, but that's what Dixie says we have to do.

"Pizza afterwards?" Iris asks.

"Yep." Everyone except me says.

"I have a date." I say.

"Ooh." Everyone says.

"With who?" Dixie asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I ask grabbing my backpack.

"C'mon, man." Dixie says as I leave.

10 minutes later...

I unlock my front door and see Charli talking to my dad.

"Hi, baby." Charli says.

"She seems like a nice girl." Dad says.

My dad thinks everyone is a nice person since my mom left. She left after I lost my case in court. She felt embarrassed and left one night for drinks, she never came back.

He tries to make everyone happy because he thinks everyone else will leave him.

"Why weren't you at the game?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, kiddo. I got called into work." Dad says.

"It's okay." I say with a small smile.

He smiles and Charli follows me upstairs.

If I told you this was only gonna hurt

"I really like your dad." Charli says as I close my room door.

"He's okay." I say putting my backpack down.

If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn

Charli shrugs her shoulders and sits on my bed.

Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first?

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I say.

"Okay." She says laying down.

Do it all in the name of love

I go in the bathroom and close the door.

Charli's View

I hear the water turn on and I open Y/n's drawer. I take a folder out and open it.

Would you let me lead you even when you're blind?

"What are these?" I mumble taking photos out.

It's photos of bruises on Y/n's body, all over. I don't know why she didn't win her case. It's clear that she was the one raped. She had bruises on her neck like they choked her.

In the darkness, in the middle of the night
In the silence, when there's no one by your side

I don't even want to look at this anymore. This makes me so mad. Just because she's different below her stomach shouldn't have decided if she won her case.

Would you call in the name of love?

"Y/nnnnn." I whine.

In the name of love, name of love

I sigh and creep downstairs. I see Y/n's dad on the phone with the speakers on and I stand on the bottom stair.

"Did you get it?" Y/n's dad asks.

Started With A Whisper | Charli D'Amelio ✓Where stories live. Discover now