I D O N ' T S L E E P

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Charli's View

I continue to type on my laptop and I feel Y/n shift. She puts her over my stomach and opens her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Y/n asks.

Hey, what's the matter, honey?

"I'm not tired." I say.

I don't sleep, 'cause when I do

"It's more than that. C'mom, baby, talk to me." Y/n say.

Every time I close my eyes I have nightmares about Y/n getting attacked again. I wake up and I just give up on going back to sleep.

All I dream are dreams of you

"What were you dreaming about?" I ask.

"My teeth were falling out, that's really scary." Y/n says.

And in yours, you say your teeth are falling out

I take naps throughout the day, but only when Y/n is awake. She can't even go to court yet, because no one wants to take her case.

I don't sleep, 'cause when I do
All I dream are dreams of you

"Just go back to dreaming about your teeth." I say rubbing Y/n's thigh.

And in yours, you say your teeth are falling out

"Is there something you aren't telling me?" Y/n asks sitting up.

"I'm just having a few nightmares. You probably think it's stupid since I'm 16." I say.

Nightmares, scary visions all up in his head

"I don't. I have a lot of nightmares, I just don't talk about them. I don't want you to worry." Y/n says.

All nighters, passing out, feeling brain dead

"Come here." Y/n says.

I close my laptop and put it on the nightstand. I put my head on her chest and she puts her arm around me.

I still don't feel the same, even with her letting me know everything is okay.

Boy don't feel himself no more from the start
Girl be curving in his line, it's a round of Mario Kart

"I'm gonna be right here. I want you to get some sleep and squeeze my hand when you're scared." She says.

"Okay." I say.

She kisses my forehead and I smile.

9:27 AM...

I open my eyes and Y/n was gone.

He hates the fact that she needs another bear
Every time he would hit her up, she act like he never there

I see a sticky note on my phone and I grab it.

I see a sticky note on my phone and I grab it

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Started With A Whisper | Charli D'Amelio ✓Where stories live. Discover now