(B - L.G): I T W I L L R A I N

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"Are you fucking serious?" I ask.

"I'm gonna destroy your reputation before it even begins." Charli says shouts through the phone.


I start to cry and Loren hugs me.

"It's okay, baby. You get to go home now." Loren says.

I nod my head and she kisses my forehead.

Y/n's View

"It's gonna be $327." The receptionist says.

"I'm sorry, baby." Charli says as I swipe my card.

"It's okay." I say.

Charli said she wanted to leave town for a few days and I can't figure out why. She kept looking to see if anyone was following us on the way here.

"Thank you, Ms and Ms Y/l/n." The receptionist says hanging the room keys to us.

I don't say anything and Charli just smiles at her. We go in the elevator and Charli pushes the button.

"I'll make it up to you." Charli says cupping my cheeks.

I smile and she kisses me. The elevator door opens and we get out. We find the room and I unlock the door. I lay on the bed and Charli climbs on top of me.

"I thought you were joking." I say as she unbuttons my shirt.

"Nope." Charli says.

I smile and she kisses me.

Time Skip

I open my eyes and see a note on a nightstand. I yawn and pick it up.

"Y/n, I never meant to hurt you. I know I screwed up, but I don't think I ever cared. I've decide to leave you and be with Chase. I'm not happy with you anymore, I'm not even in love with you anymore. If this somehow is your baby, you won't ever see them. I don't want you in their lives." I read.

"All of you exes were right about you. You weren't even trying to please me or make me happy. I'm sorry, but you deserve this... for some reason." I read.

If you ever leave me, baby

I notice my stuff was gone and there's banging on the door.

"Police, open up." Someone says.

"Shit." I mumble putting my shirt on.

Leave some morphine at my door

I open the door and the officer holds his badge up.

"We have a warrant to arrest you." He says.

"I'm sorry, for what?" I ask.

"For raping 3 underage girls, possession of drugs, breaking and entering, and domestic violence." He says.

"I didn't do anything." I say.

"Save it for the judge." He says pushing me against the wall.

I groan and he puts handcuffs on me.

'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have

He pushes me in the elevator and presses a button.

"You should arrest her too for stealing my shit." I say as the elevator door closes.

He looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.

Started With A Whisper | Charli D'Amelio ✓Where stories live. Discover now