Chapter Three: The Boyfriend of Bella Swan (Bella's POV)

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Chapter Three: The Boyfriend of Bella Swan (Bella's POV)

When I got home to my loft, I let Rollie loose and he soon went running to the couch where he claimed his spot on the far right side on a red cushion.

I put my new laptop on the counter and set my house and car keys in the key case (key version of a pencil case) before going to the fridge and checking to see if there was anything to snack on.

Suddenly, the front door opened and I walked over and nearly screeched when my boyfriend of 3 years, Jacob 'Jake' Black, jumped out and said a loud: "Boo!" He laughed at my reaction before grabbing me and pulling me into a hug.

He wrapped his long, black trenchcoat around me and I smiled, snuggling into his warmth. Jake gave me a kiss on the forehead and I hugged him tighter.

"How was Brazil?" I asked a little while later. Jake and I had settled on the couch with glasses of wine and a bowl of popcorn. Jake sighed and set our glasses on the coffee table and took the popcorn bowl from my hands.

Jake took my face in his hands and his lips took over mine in seconds. He kissed me with fiery passion and I kissed him with more passion, gripping his sweatshirt as we kissed. The kisses turned more softer and more sweet with equal amount of love but a little less passion in it. When we finally stopped to take deep breaths, Jake took my hand from his sweatshirt to intwine with his and I smiled at the electricity that went through it.

"Brazil was nothing compared to what I feel right now with you. Sure, the tropical beauty of it was nice and all but it is just that. Beauty. Nothing special and magical like our kisses or..." Jake stopped to bury his face deep within my long hair. "The strawberry scent of your shampoo and conditioner." Jake sighed deeply, inhaling my scent.

I smiled as he did this and hugged him tighter, playing with his brown hair. "Your hair got longer! How is this possible when it has only been a month since you left for Brazil?" I asked in disbelief. Jake chuckled and only hugged me tighter.

"Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" Jake asked as I grabbed the popcorn bowl and popped a few of them in my mouth.

"Something interesting happened today. While I was buying a new laptop, I met Edward Cullen." I explained and Jake's brown eyes wide. "And...he offered me a job." I added bashfully and Jake grinned as he picked me up from my waist, twirling me around. I laughed as he did this and when he put me down, I gave Jake a kiss on the lips.

"Is he as handsome as people say he is?" Jake said, playing with his nails. I chuckled. Jake was jealous.

"Nothing compared to you, you hottie!" I said and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down for another kiss on the lips. He slipped his tounge in this time and I moaned at the pleasure of his kisses. He picked me up in his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Jake walked slowly to the main bedroom, his lips attached to mine still and his arms still holding up me up with my legs around his waist, and shut the door loudly behind us.


After a few hours with my boyfriend in bed, I went to the bathroom with my phone calendar in my hand and a box in the other. I took a stickout of the box and peed on it, then cleaned myself and waited for 2 minutes. The phone timer dinged and I looked at the stick.

The stick had a blue + on it and my eyes widened.

I...I was pregnant. With Jacob Black's baby.

I dropped the stick to the ground and sat on the ground, my eyes wide with disbelief.

"Why?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard a bed squeak and Jake come running in, wearing nothing but a pair of underwear shorts and his chest bare.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked me as he sat down beside me on the bathroom floor, his hands now holding mine. I smiled for only a second at the warmth of his body heat. Jake saw the stick with the positive sign and picked it up, staring at it.

"Jake...say something." I begged, tears threatening to come out of my chocolate eyes.

"Y-you're pregnant?!" Jake stuttered, his face white with shock.

"Yeah...I am." I said and the tears came falling down. To tell you the truth, I was worried he would break up with me.

"That's...amazing!" Jake said and took my face in his hands, kissing me full on the lips. I smiled against the kiss.

"Really?" I asked, smiling now.

"Now I have the moment to do it." Jake whispered and I looked at him, confused by what he was saying. He took a small black box out of the bedroom and opened it. I gasped and stared at what was inside. Inside the little black box was a white diamond ring with a diamond blue heart in the center of it. The ring looked expensive and it probably was. "Isabella Marie Swan, will you become Mrs. Jacob Black and have my baby with me? I promise to love you until the day I die and that even in death, our souls will be together. I want so much to be with you, Bella, and have this baby with you. Maybe have more babies. All you have to do is look at me with those pretty chocolate eyes of yours and say yes!" Jake finished his speech and Bella looked at her boyfriend whose eyes held so much hope and love.

"Yes Jacob Black, I will marry you and have this baby with you." I said and Jake grinned before putting the ring on my ring finger and dancing around the loft, making Rollie bark and follow him. I laughed at his cuteness and leaned against the doorway of the bathroom, touching my belly which held our baby in it. Jacob saw me look at my belly and went over to it and kneed down, putting his ear to my belly.

"I can hear it! I can hear the baby's heartbeat!" Jacob said excitedly, a grin plastered on his face as listened to the faint heartbeat of our baby.

"Do you want the baby to be a boy or a girl?" I asked him and Jake looked up at me, his light brown eyes pouring into my chocolate ones.

"Truthfully, I would love to have a boy so I can teach him manly stuff but I also want a girl so I can be that overprotective dad I've always wanted to be. But if I could choose, I would choose twins: one boy and one girl." Jake explained and I smiled, nodding.

"As long as she or he or both of them are healthy, I don't care. I will love this baby no matter what gender they are." I said and Jake nodded as he stood, wrapped his arms around my waist, and hugged me tightly.

"I love you Bella." Jacob said, laying a kiss on my ring.

"I love you Jacob." I said, laying a kiss on his cheek.


Author's Note: Well, how was that for a third chapter? I know how you team edwards may have been hoping for Jacob to be mad that Bella was pregnant but sorry...I just can't have that happen since I am TEAM JACOB!!\

Any thoughts readers on what should happen in the next chapter? Should I have a time warp where Jacob meets the Cullens or have them each get to know Bella for a few chapters??? Comment below or message me on Wattpad....either I will look into when I go into Wattpad daily......

Well, I have to go write a letter for English Class on Haiti...BORING *sing-song voice*.....Love ya readers, reviewers, and commenters.

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