Chapter Two: The Girl with the Long, Brown hair (Edward's POV)

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Chapter Two: The Girl with the long, brown hair (Edward's POV)

I walked into the well-known store, Staples, in uptown New York and the first thing I noticed was this intoxicating aroma of lilac. It was perfume and. while I loved the smell of flowers, I hated the smell of flower-scented perfume.

Walking over to the utensil/notebook aisle with my posture straight and firm in my Armani suit, I began looking for a notebook.

It was for my brother Emmett's fiancee, Rosalie's, birthday tomorrow and I knew she loved to write almost as much as she loved modeling, her career.

As I picked up a black, hardcover notebook with a red strap and scanned it with my eyes, I noticed from the corner of my eye that someone was in the aisle as well...a woman.

She was by far the most stunning woman I ever saw, comparing to a star up in the sky.

The beautiful girl had long, brown locks which cascaded down her back and she had mahogany colored eyes. I saw she was looking for something in the utencil aisle and when her eyes looked up to meet my brown ones, we stared at eachother for a moment before she blushed crimson red, grabbed a box of different colored sharpies, put them in her carrier shopping cart, and walked off.

I, intrigued and entranced by this stunning creature, followed her with the journal for Rosalie in my hand.

I saw her ask a old woman in the technology department where something was, and the woman pointed to where the laptops were. I watched the beautiful girl go and pick up a large box and before I was thinking, I was there by her side helping her.

She was surprised to see me before she murmured a 'Thank You' to me. I sent her a nod and slid the laptop on the counter for her. She put the cart away and put the sharpies on the counter as well.

I watched as she took a Platinum Gold card from her wallet and paid for the laptop and sharpies. She put my card in her wallet before she grabbed the box and put the sharpies on top. Taking her wallet, she dropped it into her pocketbook and started walking towards the Exit.

I saw that the cashier girl chewing gum was trying to make me notice her but I only saw the girl with the long, brown hair. I paid for the journal, put my wallet in my pocket, and hurried outside to see the girl unlocking the car next to me.

I casually went to mine and unlocked it. I threw the notebook onto the passenger seat and watched her, leaning against my car.

She put the laptop on the backseat floor and was feeding her puppy dog treats. She saw me staring at her and closed the car door, leaned against it like me, and crossed her arms.

"Yes?" She asked, her voice filled with question. Her voice was velvety and sang out like bells. It was music to my ears.

"I will stop staring at you if you tell me your name." I said, my voice sounded intent.

"You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." She said, her arms crossed. The puppy watched me and his owner interact.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen of Cullen and Hale Law Firm. Age 25, Lawyer." I introduced myself and held out my hand. I saw she was surprised and I was amused by it. She didn't recognize me at first, that was good.

She shook it quickly before letting go. "Isabella Marie Swan. Age 25, Lawyer." She said and I nearly grinned when she didn't say which firm.

"Are you working at a law firm currently?" I asked and her hands tightened into fists. That was a touchy subject to talk about for me, it seemed.

"No, not currently." Isabella said, unhappiness poisoning her once pleasant voice..

"Well, if you need a job, call me or make an appointment." I took my card out and gave to her, sent her a calm smile and a quick wink, and got in my car. Buckling in, I started the engine before driving off.

God...I hope she takes me up on that offer.


When I got home to my loft, Emmett and Rosalie were there on my couch, watching TV and snacking.

When Rosalie saw the journal in my hand, she let out a happy squeal and hugged me and kept on repeating 'Thank You' before grabbing it from my willing grasp and plopped down on the couch, already writing her name in with a pen from her pocket.

"Happy Birthday soon-to-be sister!" I said and ruffled her hair but Rosalie hardly noticed. She was too busy with her journal.

"So Edward, meet any beautiful women today?" Emmett asked as he sprawled a arm around my shoulder, wiggling his eyebrows. Thinking of Isabella, I grinned.

"There was this girl I met at Staples. She was the most gorgeous lady I had ever seen and I was immediately infatuated with her. And she and I just might be working together soon..." I explained, sighing happily at the memory of Isabella Swan.

"Really Ed? What's her name?" Emmett asked, intrigued by this new woman in my life. Even Rosalie looked up, wanting to know the details.

"Isabella Marie Swan. She is a lawyer and I offered her a job at the law firm." I explained, slightly blushing as I told my big brother about my crush.

"She must be worth it if she got you THIS worked up. You've never shown an interest in any girl before ...maybe it's love?" Rosalie suggested and I sputtered out the water I was taking a sip of.

"Do you think...are you going to make her The One?" Emmett asked, hesitant on his choice of words. I froze at the mention of that.

In my family, all the men were supposed to be engaged by 26 years old or they were set up for a arranged marriage. Emmett and Rosakie had gotten engaged when he was 25, 2 years ago. My arranged bride was not would want to marry.

Her name was Tanya Denail and she was the biggest SLUT I had ever met. We went to high school together and when I was angry or sad, she and I would...cheer me up in the storage closet. If you get what I mean. She had fallen in love with me while I was mearly looking for a good time...stupid, stupid me.

She wanted me to be hers so she had a plan: make her rich daddy and my dad set up a plan where if I wasn't engaged by 26 years old...I would marry Tanya Denali. It was a sickening thing to even...look back at.

But, looking up at my brother and his fiancee who awaited my answer, I gave them a straight face and told them the truth:

"Yes, I plan to make Isabella Swan my fiancee before I turn 26 in 7 Months."

Author's Note: So readers and commenters, what do you think about Edward? Is he a stalker or seriously IN LOVE with Bella? Disgusted with Tanya yet from what Edward said? I certainly was...she is just so...what is the word I am looking for? Slutty? Bi***? is the first 2...Chapter questions: Should Bella and Seth and Leah be step-siblings if Charlie and Sue get married?

And, should Jacob be introduced as Bella's boyfriend when he picks her up from the firm or when Edward sees them out together as a couple?

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