Chapter Eight: Forks (Bella's POV)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the final chapter!!!! Sorry for you readers who want a sequel but I can't put everything into this fanfic anymore. 

Chapter Eight: I Love You (Bella's POV)

The two months were over and I was coming back to New York a new woman. I had gotten some caramel highlights in my hair and my skin had gotten a little bit of tan from the days at the beach when I visited it.

I got off the plane, holding 2 bags of new clothes I bought and a mind bent on seeing my boyfriend Edward Cullen. We began dating as soon as I left and I was so excited to see him, to hold him, to smell that muscular cologne of his.

"Bella!" A familiar velvety voice shouted and I looked to see...Edward and his family waiting for me straight ahead. I ran to his awaiting embrace and our lips crashed against each other.

"Are we all chopped liver?" A familiar voice shouted and I giggled as I broke away from my boyfriend to hug Emmett and Jasper, then Alice and Rosalie, and then Carlisle and Esme. 

"Did you miss me?" Edward murmured when we were back at his home. We were on his couch 

"Of course." I whispered and Edward smiled gleefully as we watched Romeo and Juliet  while munching on popcorn. 

"Tell me about Europe." Edward asked as Juliet drank the potion and collapsed.

"There were lots of handsome men there. Some wrote me letters while others confessed in public. I told them I had a boyfriend and some cried while others pouted." I explained and Edward chuckled. 

"Good. You're mine!" Edward said as he put his arms around me and sat me on his lap. I blushed red and Edward smiled as he showered my face in kisses before he lay a single kiss on my ring finger. 

"Marry me?" Bella asked and took out a sapphire diamond ring from her pocket. 

"Si amore mio." Edward said in Italian which is English for "Yes my love."

They got married under a cherry tree at Edward's family's home. Family and friends surrounded them (even Jacob) where they exchanged vows of love and promise.

They moved to a little town in Washington state where they had their first daughter, Renesmee Cullen.

The town's name?

Forks, Washington.

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