Chapter Five: Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper meet Bella

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We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our lives for a reason -Unknown

Chapter Five: Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper meet Bella

(Bella's POV)

I woke up the Monday of my first day at the firm to the smell of pancakes and toast. The smell was intoxicating and made my stomach growl with hunger.

Seeing that Jake wasn't in bed, I smiled and got up from bed, grabbed my pink bathrobe, and put it on with the belt tied.

I walked into the loft's large kitchen where a shirtless Jacob was buttering pieces of toast and putting cinnamon sugar on them while the other hand put pancakes on a plate. I kissed his cheek and took the spatula from his hand so he could butter the rest of the toast and put cinnamon sugar on them.

"Good morning my fiancee." Jake took my hand and kissed my ring. I smiled at the electricifying touch of his lips on my hand.

Jake took a bite of toast and held one for me while I bit into it. I nearly moaned at the delicious taste of the toast in my mouth.

"Good morning." I said softly and turned the fire off, put the spatula on the counter, and wrapped my hands around Jake's neck.

Jake put the food down and wrapped his hands around my waist, his face smiling down on me. I tip-toed on my feet and kissed his lips softly. Jake kissed back softly as well and when we finished kissing, I laid my hand down on his chest and we held eachother for a few moments.

"We should go get ready for work." Jake said and I looked up at him, pouting with my lower lip out. Jake chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I want to be like this forever too, babe, but you shouldn't be late on your first day at work." Jake explained and I suddenly realized I had to go to work.

Giving Jake a kiss on the cheek, I rushed off to the bathroom and closed it. After taking off my clothes and throwing them all in the hamper, I turned on the shower to Hot and got in.

I was immediately hit with warm water and smiled at the good feeling of it. After scrubbing my hair with shampoo and a little bit of conditioner for a good 20 minutes, I turned off the shower and grabbed my pink towel waiting for me and wrapped it around my body before using another one to wrap around my long, brown hair.


When I had finished drying myself off and had put on undergarments, I decided on wearing a outfit I had gotten while going shopping in Italy while on vacation with Jake last spring.

It was a long, green dress with a brown belt around the waist part of. Over it, I wore a white sweater with a green flower pin and green and blue dangling earrings. My shoes were brown boots that went up to my thigh with a small heel on the bottom of it. (A/N: Outfit on the side.) I painted my nails spring green and a necklace around my neck that said: Bella Swan. My friend, Angela Webber, gave it to me years ago in college.

When I finished dressing and put my 2 black work binders and my mini laptop in its case in my brown pocketbook, I walked out of the bedroom and saw Jake as I was passing by the rooms, in his roon trying to tie his tie for work.

Jake's job was a history teacher at NYU. He had just started teaching in October 2014 and it was now February 2015. I was very proud of my fiancee when he got the job and we celebrated with wine, laughter, and a whole lot of hugging and dancing around the loft. Then I had a present for the bedroom if you get what I mean.

"Need help?" I asked him, walking into his room.

"Yes please." Jake said and turned to me so I could fix his tie. As I took off his tie and wrapped it around again under his shirt collar and begin tieing it, Jake stared at me with those cute brown eyes of his.

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