Chapter Six: When Bella Found Out About Jacob

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Author's Note: Today's chapter is a time warp of 4 months to get you updated so you are not confused by what is happening:

1. Edward and Bella are super close (as in if she and Jacob fight, Edward knows to comfort her he gets her strawberry ice cream and lemon cake. And if it is about his faithfullness, he also gets Bella her favorite movies and makes her popcorn)

2. Alice and Bella are close (as in Alice takes her shopping every 2 weeks and is her bridesmaid)

3. Jasper, Emmett, and Jacob are close (as in they compete over video games every Sunday when the girls have their girls night)

4. Rosalie is protective of Bella (as in if they go dancing and a boy checks out Bella's rear end, he gets a talking-to from Rosalie which embarrasses him and makes Bella laugh) She is #TeamEdward. (And she is a bridesmaid as well)

5. Jacob and Bella are having problems (as in Tanya, Edward's ex-lover from high school, likes Jacob and flirts with him plainly in front of her which makes Bella sad. This causes the fights which usually end up with Jacob drinking and Bella going over to her best friend Edward's place to chill)

6. Bella has met Carlisle and Esme and they are completely in love with her. They want her to be with Edward but they like Jacob so they are OK with him. #TeamEdward

So that is what is going on. Bella and Jacob will maybe have a fight this chapter...this time about him and Tanya. It will be a sad chapter involving the baby and this will draw Edward and Bella closer. I am going to go type the story now before I give away the surprising part.....

Chapter Six: When Bella Found Out About Jacob

It had been 3 months since I started working at the firm and I was now 4 months pregnant. I had won a lot of cases so far which brought money to the firm and my self-esteem up a tiny bit.

Today was the day of the baby's ultrasound where I would find out the baby's gender. Jacob can't come to the ultrasound because we had a fight a few days ago and I am not ready to forgive him yet. He understanded I needed time to figure out things so I promised my fiancée that I would get lots of pictures for him and call him right away so he knows if we are having a boy or a girl.

"Are you excited Bella?" My doctor, Doctor Hoffman, asked me as he put the goo on my stomach and then the thing so we can see my baby. I just nodded and he smiled.

But I frowned when he looked at the baby and it looked like something was wrong...very wrong. "What's up Doctor?" I asked him and he sighed and looked at me.

"Bella..." He sighed and said the words I never thought I would hear. The words which would change my life...for good. "Bella, have you ever heard of miscarriage?" He asked me and tears filled my eyes.

"No! No!" I cried. "Is my baby dead?" I asked him, my vision blurry from tears.

"I'm sorry Bella." Doctor Hoffman and he rubbed my back as I cried my eyes out.

When the jelly was off my belly and I was done crying, I walked outside to see...Edward, leaning against my car with sunglasses over his eyes. He saw me me and I ran over to him.

"You know?" I asked him as I leaned against his chest. Edward knew I was talking about the baby and nodded.

"I am not mad at you, Bella." He assured me as he drove us to my apartment. I looked to him and nodded. When we got to my loft and we were alone, I broke down and fell down to the ground on my knees. Edward sat down and let me cry into his neck.

"The baby is gone...I had a little human being in my tummy and I lost them." I hiccuped and hugged Edward tighter.

"What are you going to tell Jacob?" Edward asked as he held me. I shrugged and leaned against him, still depressed.

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