Chapter Seven: I am leaving New York for 2 months (Edward's POV)

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Chapter Seven: I am leaving New York for 3 months (Edward's POV)

I walked into my office two weeks after Bella lost her baby and her and Jacob Black broke up. I said she could take some time off and that someone else would handle her case. But as I turned on my computer and logged in, I saw a envelope on my desk. It was signed in beautiful handwriting: To Edward Cullen from Bella Swan.

Shrugging, I used a small knife to open the envelope. 2 letters fell out of it and I opened the first letter.

It read in Bella's handwriting:

Dear Edward,

There are no words to compare for the way I feel as I write you this letter. I know that yo have felt more than friendship for me...truthfully, I felt that for you too.

You always seemed to remind me of Romeo, a strong personality with a kind heart. I am sorry I don't ever get to say this to you in public but...I am in love with you Edward. I have been in love with you for quite some time and always hid it well.

By the time you find this letter on your desk, I will be on my way to Verona, Italy for a vacation for 2 months. I know that you don't want me to go and will probably try to find me...don't Edward...please.

I need time to get away from New York...Jacob...and I'v never been to Italy so I thought I would try it there for 2 months until coming back to New York.

On the bottom of the letter is the address for the estate I am staying at. You may send me letters or call me...just don't come looking for me Edward.

You will always hold a place in my heart and I hope I will always hold a place in yours.

Forever the girl with the long brown hair,

Isabella Marie Swan.

I finished the letter, already crying. Bella was leaving for 2 months...I wouldn't see her beautiful face for 2 months...I wouldn't smell her perfume for 2 months.

"I miss you already, my angel. My Bella." I whispered and cried for a few more minutes before I wiped the wetness from my face and relaxed.

The other letter was her new information so I can still call and communicate with Bella. I picked up my phone and typed the number in.

She answered immediately. "Hello Edward." Her musical, velvety voice purred my name and I smiled.

"I read your letter, Bella. I hope you have fun in Italy." I said, completely truthful.

"I wasn't lying in the letter, Edward. I do have feelings for you." Bella said and I knew she was telling the truth.

"I know Bella. I love you too." I said and Bella giggled which made my heart warm and flutter.

"I love you more." Bella said and I smiled softly. I finally had her...Bella Swan, the girl with the long, brown hair.

"I have to do work now. Call me when you can, okay?" I inquired

"Of course, Edward. I will skype you later." Bella promised, gave me kissy noises over the phone, and turned it off.


2 weeks later (Edward and Bella have been skyping and texting back and forth for a month now. They are officially dating.)

"You're WHAT?" Alice shouted in the Cullen Family Estate in Washington, D.C. The whole family and I were having breakfast while drinking coffee or orange juice.

I had just told them I was planning on proposing to Bella when she got back home from Italy and then we were moving to Washington, D.C to settle down.

"I don't see what is the problem. Bella told me she was in love with me and you all know how I feel about her." I said before taking a sip of coffee.

"Is this just because of the deal?" Alice asked and I frowned at the mention of the deal.

"I would never marry Bella just because of the deal. I am IN LOVE with her Alice!" I shouted and our family watched us bicker.

"It may be a long time before she can conceive a child." Carlisle cut in and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What on earth do you mean?" I asked and Carlisle sighed.

"Bella lost her baby so it may be some time before she will be capable of getting pregnant. She may not even have children." Carlisle explained and I frowned at this.

"Bella and I will adopt." I said and Alice scoffed. I turned my head to glare at my big sister who was shorter than me.

"How do you know Bella will say yes?" Alice asked and I grimaced at this. I didn't know thee answer to that.

"Because Bella is in love with Edward." Rosalie said and I turned to her. How did she know that? "Before Bella left for Italy, she came to me and said she was in love with Edward. She knew about the deal and she also said this Edward: 'If Edward proposes to me when I get back and proves to me that it is not for the deal, I will say yes.'" Rosalie explained and my eyes widened and I suddenly grinned in triumph.

"Fine." Alice grumbled but before I could cheer with happiness, she interrupted me. "But I get to design the wedding and how it is going to go." Alice said and I narrowed my eyes at her. That slick, tricky pixie

"You can design the wedding but only Bella and I decide where it is, hat color everything is, and who are the groomsmen and bridesmaids." I said and Alice angrily nodded and we shook hands.

"How are you going to prove to Bella proposing to her is not about the deal?" Emmett asked and I pouted. How was I going to prove it to her?

"By creating the most romantic way possible: with a song." Esme said and I raised my eyebrow at her. "Compose a song to her that represents your love. At the last note, you will kneel down and ask her." Esme explained and I grinned as my family and I figured out what the clues are and where would they go.

Author's Note: Edward is going to propose to Bella!!!! SQUEAL!!!!!!!! #TeamEdward wins....again!

This is supposed to happen so don't none of you complain to me.

There will be a sequel to 7 Months Left when I finish this. Spoiler: It will be sad to you #TeamEdward fans of this story.

I also see the people who look at this story is going down.

Am I doing something wrong?

Am I being lazy on some chapters?

Tell me what I need to do and I will do it.

I am going to go work now!!!

Bye y'all!!!!

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