Chapter One: The Man in the Armani Suit (Bella's POV)

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Author's Note: This is the first book in a series of books where Bella and Edward ultimately end up together but first go through a series of hardships. They wouldn't be Bella and Edward without hardships, right?

All the other characters will be in it: Edward's siblings, Edward and Bella's parents', their friends from Forks High, and the vampires who drink blood from Alaska...such as Tanya who will have a obsession with Edward and be a bit of femme fatale. The Volturi will be in this book as a rival lawyer firm.

Chapter One: The Man in the Armani Suit (Bella's POV)

The Staples in uptown New York played Timber by Ke$ha as I walked into it. That was the first thing I noticed, beside the fact that the whole place smelled of a sweetened perfume smell, lilac I believe. As I grabbed a small cart to hold by my arm and walked into the utensil/journal aisle, I noticed that there was another person there as well...a man.

The young man, probably in his early twenties like me, had goldish-brown locks, brown eyes and a tall, lanky figure. His position was straight, firm. His black, armani suit showed he was from a wealthy family and that he was a businessman. His gaze was fixed on a small, black journal with a dark red strap on it.

When he looked up and our eyes caught each others, I blushed and started to walk towards the sharpies and grabbed a large package of colors, put it in my cart, and walked away. The young man followed, the black journal tightly in his grasp.

I stopped at the Electronics aisle and asked the helper there, a woman in her late 40s with round, red glasses, if the store had any ThinkPad mini laptops. She pointed over to where the laptops were and I thanked her kindly before walking off to the laptops.

Grabbing a large box (which was very heavy just for one small laptop), I was about to walk to the register to pay when the box was lifted from my hands. I looked up to see the young man from the utensil/journal aisle. He gave me a smirk and I blushed red.

Typical me.

"Thank You." I thanked him, still blushing red. The young man slid the box on the counter and I put the sharpies on as well. The cashier with her reddish-blonde hair who couldn't stop staring at the man, ran my things. I swiped my card and the total came to: $583.04. It may have been a lot but I needed a laptop.

After the man bought his notebook, he followed me outside and to my car. I saw him getting in the car beside me and my eyes widened at what kind of car it was. It was a slick, red ferrari. 2015 edition. (A/N: I know there may not be a car like this yet since it is the beginning of 2015 but I do not know much about cars so...) My car was a Guardian, silver and shiny. I loved my new car from my parents. I had my birthday 3 weeks before and my parents had gotten it for me.

In the backseat, my small pug who was 2 years old now, Rollie, was watching the man intently. Normally, he barked at strangers but he seemed quite calm near him. I slid the laptop on the back seat floor and put jackets under it so it would not fall.

As I got out the bag of dog treats I had bought Rollie early to give to him and was handing him 2 of them (there were beef-flavored and shaped like bowties), I saw the man looking at me and stood, turning so I faced him and he faced me.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice filled with question. I never had liked attention and with him staring at me with those brown eyes of his, it was more attention that I liked.

"I'll stop staring if you tell me your name." The man said, finally speaking. He had a British accent and each word rolled of his tongue like he had been practicing in his mind how to say it to me.

"You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine." I tell him, my arms crossed. Rollie, who had been watching our interaction, was watching the man's every movement as well as mine.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen of Cullen and Hale Law Firm. Age 25, Lawyer." Edward said. I nearly gasped because I was surprised I hadn't realized it before. He was a Cullen, from one of the richest families in the world and which only a little less power than the President. The name Edward suited him and I already knew he was rich, from the EXPENSIVE car and from his Armani suit.

"Isabella Marie Swan. Age 25, Lawyer." I introduced myself and we shook hands. He seemed shocked by what my job was.

"Are you working at a law firm currently?" Edward asked and my hands tightened into fists. That was a touchy subject to talk about.

"No, not currently." I said, unhappiness poisoning my once pleasant voice..

"Well, if you need a job, call me or make an appointment." Edward took his card out and gave to me, sent me a calm smile and a quick wink, and got in his car.

"I might just take you up on that." I murmured before closing the back seat and getting in the front seat, turned on my car where it sprouted to life like a fresh new Daisy, and drove off back to my loft.

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