Chapter Four: Welcome to Cullen and Hale Law Firm (Edward's POV)

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Author's Note: This is 2 Weeks after Bella and Jacob find out she is pregnant and he gets engaged to her!!! She was pregnant for 8 weeks until she found out she was. Edward is finding out in this chapter she is engaged...and man for #TeamEdward fans, it is a downer for you guys. SORRY :(...Don't kill me!!! Anyway...lets begin:

Chapter Four: Welcome to Cullen and Hale Law Firm (Edward's POV)

It had been 2 weeks since I met Isabella Swan and I was so excited when she called up 2 days ago for a interview to become a lawyer at the firm. She was coming over to my office today and to say I was nervous was a understatement. My legs were shaking and my skin was paler than a vampire. (A/N: See what I did there? I couldn't help but add that in!)

"Are you all right Mr. Cullen? You're sweating and your legs are shaking." My secretary, Ms. Lee, told me and I nodded as I took a long sip of water from my water cantene on my desk and wiped the beeds of sweat off my forehead that I didn't even notice were there. She gave me a look that meant I am worried about you before walking off to her desk, her red heels clicking on the wooden floor.

"Is Mr. Edward Cullen here? I have a appointment with him." I heard a familiar voice a few minutes later ask Ms. Lee. I stood from my desk amd piped my head out for a look.

There, wearing a black dress that hugged her perfect figure under a silver blazer with a sliver belt around with open-toed black heels, was Isabella Swan. Her hair was in a side braid and she looked more beautiful then before. Her lips were coated with glittery, red lip gloss and it made me mentally groan because I wanted to walk over there and kiss her full on the lips and claim her as mine.

"It's okay Ms. Lee. Come in, Miss Swan." I said, my voice casual sounding though it kind of cracked at the end. Isabella looked at me and smiled as she walked towards me. Ms. Lee gave a nod and went back to the computer.

Isabella took a seat in a chair in front of my desk and I sat down on my usual chair with wheels. She scanned my large office with her chocolate eyes before turning her attention back to me. "Let's get started. Shall we?" I suggested and the gorgeous lady nodded and sat upright, ready for the questions.

"So, Isabella-" I was about to say when she cut me off.

"Please call me Bella. Everyone calls me that." Bella said and I grinned, nodding.

"Anyway, where have you worked before, Bella?" I asked and took a pen and pad out, ready to write down her answer.

"I worked at Volturi Firm for 3 years before leaving the firm a few weeks ago. Lately, I have been just catching up with friends until I met you 2 weeks ago." Bella answered and I wrote it down.

"Ever been married?" I asked. Truthfully, I wanted to know this for my own personal business.

"No, I have not but I am engaged to my boyfriend of 2 years, Jacob Black." Bella said and showed me her ring. My body stiffened as I looked at the ring. She was engaged?! The answer hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt like I do when I lose a case.

"When did you get engaged?" I asked. "I saw no ring on your finger 2 weeks ago."

"Jacob and I got engaged the day we met, actually. He proposed to me at our loft." She explained, not noticing my change in attitude. I nodded.

"Any children?" I asked, ready to write it down.

"No children. Never been pregnant or will be until Jacob and I have settled down." She answered. I nodded.

(Author's Note: Bella is lying because she wants the job. Edward will find out about the baby-who will not be named Renesmee- in later chapters and will cause conflict with their relationship.)

After a few other questions, it was time for her to go. But I had one thing to say to her before she left.

"Bella?" I piped out and the lovely lady turned. I sent her a smile. "Welcome to Cullen and Hale Law Firm." I reached out to shake her hand and Bella grinned before she shook it. I felt shivers down my back and grinned as I watched her head to the elevator.

Damn it, I am in love with a engaged woman!

Author's Note: Edward knows about Jacob and is not happy about it!! Poor Edward....I am sorry for you E&B lovers but fear not...they will be in love at some point.

On the side is a pic of Sean Haris who plays Edward Cullen! He is so cute in a shirt and tie!

Now I must go :(. Ba My fingers are sore and I want some Netflix!!! Well....bye!!!

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