Crazy chic-Tony Toretto

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Tony heard his new spy gear phone ring since it was Bluetoothed to the car, the ringtone blasted through the car speakers causing him to jolt and quickly answer now realising it was a FaceTime "hey Miss Nowhere, hi Dom, how are you both?" He asked smiling at the end "we're doing fine Tony, how are you?" Miss nowhere asked back Tony chuckled as he saw Dom shake his head "oh you know" he looks in his back view mirror while taking a turn before continuing "just finished school for the day and am now driving to the base hoping for an afternoon of fun" he glanced again before speeding up a bit "You ok kid?" Dom asked watching as Tony kept glancing back and speeding up, soon everyone was watching the screen

"I think someone's following me" Tony took a quick right and then left before speeding again and look back in the rearview mirror squinting a little "wait a minute" he mumbled before facing forward and slamming the brakes on "holy shit", "Tony what's going on?!" Dom and Miss nowhere yelled Tony just sat there staring ahead of him with a confused look and tilting his head to the side "Tony!" Echo shouted jolting him out of his trance "huh, what's up?" "What's going on?" Tony focused in front of him again "um there's this guy in front of me and a guy behind me the one in front looks familiar"

"maybe it's one the bad guys we defeated and he's looking for revenge?" Frostee suggested making Cisco nod his head "no that's not it he's dressed like a butler" everyone looked at each other confused "a butler?" Dom asked "what about the other guy?" Miss nowhere asked Tony looked behind him "he hasn't left the car" he squints and leans closer to the mirror "there seems to be someone in the back" Tony's eyes quickly snapped in front of him before he puts his car in shift and shoots forward

"what are you doing?!" Miss nowhere shouts watching as Tony passes a black car and a man dressed as a butler "he moved his car so I took it as my opportunity to get the hell outta there" Tony gave his signature smirk before checking his rear view mirror one last time "they stopped following me" Tony laughed "why?" Cisco asked kinda worried Tony seemed to perk up "I remember where I've seen that guy!" Tony shifted gears and seemed to be trying to turn around "where? Tony" Dom asked on the outside he looked calm but on the inside he was panicking, scared something bad was going to happen to Tony...and it did

"he works with-ahhhh" Tony was cutoff by his car being rammed into "TONY!" Everyone shouted as they watched him roll over and over before the car landed upside down "ugghh" Tony groaned he's bleeding from his forehead and his eyes seemed unfocused, he reaches across and unbuckles his seatbelt causing him to fall on the roof of the car making him hiss since he landed on his right shoulder "Tony are you okay?" Dom asked but Tony didn't answer he just looked around in a panic

"Toretto?!" Miss nowhere tried but is given the same result "Frostee track his car!" Echo commanded, Frostee nodded before hopping onto the closet computer and tracking Tony's car, on the screen Tony is kicking at the door trying to get out before a hand grabs him from behind causing Tony to freak out and turn around to kick the person in the face as he backs himself up against the driver side door "aw c'mon Tony, don't you wanna say hi to your new girlfriend?" A female voice is heard, Tony seemed to glare ahead of him "go screw yourself Chloe" he growled, suddenly for Dom it clicked "we need to find him now!" He demanded while grabbing his jacket and car keys "I can't track the car I'm being blocked by something!" Frostee shouted back

"see if you can recognise anything in the video and Garry see if we can access any cameras nearby!" Miss nowhere commanded "already done" Garry replied showing a street camera few showing Tony's upside down car in front of a Jeep like car, a lot of men dressed in suits surrounding Tony and two girls standing in front of the passenger side "wow I didn't know you loved me that much" Chloe giggled making Tony deadpan "I don't love you, how many times do I have to tell you?" That made Chloe mad "you will love me! Thanks to my new BFF" suddenly one of the two girls was recognisable "Rafaela" everyone gasped in shock "there!" Echo shouts pointing to street art of a logo "that's mine it's the fifth building on jackal avenue" she continued but before anymore was said Dom jumped in his car and sped off.

"Hello Tony" Rafaela waved smiling happily as the door behind Tony was opened and he was grabbed by one of the butler looking guys Tony tried to wiggle free but the more he struggled the tighter the guy gripped putting too much pressure on Tony's injured arm and chest "Miss me?" Rafaela laughed taking a selfie with Tony "in your dreams" Tony replied rolling his eyes "burn" Garry snapping his fingers causing everyone to look at him weirdly "what? Tony taught it to me" Garry shrugged "of course he did" Miss Nowhere sighed shaking her head "kids go catch up with Dom and help Toretto" she ordered and soon they were speeding off "what do you Rafaela?" Tony growled breathing heavily his vision going a bit blurry making him blink rapidly "you see my new BFF says that you rejected her love confession so I'm here to help her make you fall in love with her" Rafaela told him while getting her phone ready

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