Dreaming-Jack Sullivan

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This is based off a TikTok video I forgot I had and I wish I could show you but Wattpad only lets me use YouTube videos which is stupid so I'm sorry about that.

TW: Minor swearing and yelling.


Jack wakes up with a huge smile on his face, they finally finished fixing the treehouse yesterday and are patiently waiting for the recuse people to arrive which means a whole day of fun!

Jack quickly changes from his pyjamas and into his usual red and white elbow length shirt and black jeans, he slips on his glove and shoes before racing down to the lounge room "are you guys ready for some fun!" Jack yells pumping his fist in the air to show his excitement.

"Hell yeah!" The others yell together making Jack's smile widen and brighten "awesome! First we're gonna have breakfast and then we are gonna play some games then lunch and maybe then we'll go monster hunting or play zombie pop then have ice cream for dinner and watch a bunch of movies until the sun rises" Jack rambles only stopping once Dirk ruffles his hair "okay dork we get it" they all laugh then head down to Jo's pizza.

First they played Mario kart which Jack won mostly cause he had the most experience. Next was a few boards games that Quint won because most of them were trivia games. Then they played ping pong Dirk won mainly because he aimed the ball at everyone's faces. Next was twister which surprisingly June won 'who knew she was this flexible?' Jack thought in awe and lastly they're currently playing Jack's favourite game.

(Lol I can't remember the name)

"Way to go Jack!" Quint cheers and pulls Jack in for a bear hug, Jack himself is trying to catch his breath after going head to head with June in a dancing game "yeah good job Sullivan" Dirk chuckles and helps him out of Quint's grip before he suffocates "you did great Jack" June smiles and pats him on the back "Last one to Jo's Pizza has to clean Rover!" Jack yells and races out of the treehouse laughing as the others joke about Jack's endless energy.

Quint was the last to the diner "it's okay dude I was gonna clean Rover tomorrow anyway" Jack laughs patting his friend on the back "thanks friend" Quint sighs, if Jack is honest he actually loves washing Rover it's like a huge water fight. "Okay so what's after lunch Sargent" June jokes and sarcastically salutes causing the boys to laugh "well we can play bop the zombies while we drive around town and look for any new monsters or cool things we might want" Jack suggests after he finishes laughing and shrugs.

"Sounds like a plan" Dirk smirks and finishes his lunch then they race off towards Big Mama with Dirk at the steering wheel, Quint in passenger and June in the back while Jack rides Rover parallel of the vehicle "I'm first!" June yells as they approach a small group "whoo, I got seven!" June cheers as she sits back down in the car.

Quint carefully leans out the passenger door, he makes beeping sounds for each zombie he bops on the head which makes Jack chuckle "aww I only got five" Quint pouts and Jack's chuckle turns into a full laugh "don't worry dude we can play on the way back" Jack promises giving Quint his usual smile "okay nerd take the wheel while I show you guys how it's really done" Dirk gave Quint three seconds to grab the wheel before he started leaning out the window and starts bopping zombie heads.

"Twelve! Beat that Sullivan!" Dirk smirks proudly and cockily causing Jack to roll his eyes before he and Rover speed up towards a pack of zombies just waiting for their heads to be bopped. "And Jack pushes into the lead with a whopping sixteen zombie heads bopped!" Jack commentates and mockingly crowd cheers for himself while Quint and June laugh at Dirk who's pouting and grumbling in the drivers seat.

"Okay since we haven't found any monsters or cool items how about a game of 'The streets are lava'?" Jack suggests from where he's laying on Rover's back "I'm down what about you Quint?" June asks lightly kicking said boys seat "yeah I could use a stretch, what do you say Dirk?" Quint smiled at the older boy " as if I'd give up a chance to play, just let me park Big Mama" Dirk chuckles and looks around for a spot.

The sun was beginning to set by the time they returned to the town "I can't believe the nerd won" Dirk mumbles Jack and June agreeing as Quint smiles proudly with his sunglasses on "maybe the world is ending all over again?" June jokes nudging Jack's arm "nah we probably fell into a parallel universe when we hit the street" Quint pouts at their joking "or maybe I'm just that good!" Quint tries to defend his victory "I don't think so dude, you were just lucky Jack got distracted by a butterfly" Dirk laughed as Jack blushes red from embarrassment and hides his face with his hands.

"Okay I grabbed the biggest tubs of Choc chip mint, Strawberry, Hokey Pokey and Boysenberry that I could find" Quint announces handing each person their preferred ice cream and their personal spoons "thanks!" The three others say in unison "no problem my friends" Quint smiles before taking his seat between Jack and Dirk. "Okay what movies do you guys wanna watch?" Jack asks with a mouthful of Choc Chip Mint ice cream "eww dude, don't talk with your mouth full!" June groans facing away from the Irish boy.

"I was hoping to watch 'Love and Monsters' since it has Dylan O'Brien in it and theirs monsters" June chuckles a small blush forming on her cheeks "oh yeah definitely Dylan O'Brien is cute as heck!" Jack agreed and grabbed the case from the pile "what about you two?" Jack asks Dirk and Quint "I wanna watch Water boy with Adam Sandler" Quint says smiling happily, he and Jack have already seen it at least twenty times but it's a good movie "and I'd like to watch Venom" Jack smiles happily at the requests as he finds the cases before popping in the first movie.

Venom had just ended and Jack notices all of his friends are asleep so he turns off the television and yawns feeling his own eyes drooping he smiles and thinks about all the cool adventures he's been on with his friends and all the achievements they've completed "I don't think is can get any better" Jack whispers and slowly shuts his eyes.

"WAKE UP YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!!" Is what wakes Jack up along with three harsh pounds against his bedroom door "wait what?" Jack asks himself as he looks around confused he's back in his foster home "this can't be right" Jack whispers beginning to panic and soon his door was rips open to show the furious face of his foster mom and that's when he realised that he was dreaming.

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