The mischievious fox (pt. 1) -Sterek

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Stiles is in deep...trouble, there are hunters right on his tail figuratively and almost literally. Stiles is in his fox form dodging left and right trying to lose them but one of the huntresses managed to pierce his back leg with an arrow so he isn't at top speed or strength, his ears flicker around trying to hear the hunters movements but he has to quickly stop all movements to stop himself from falling off a cliff.

'I need to call for help' Stiles thinks looking around in panic, his dad always tells him to only call for help when he's cornered and right now he feels pretty damn cornered, so he howls praying that his dad can hear him. He stops as an arrow lands just in front of his paws before flashing right into his curious honey brown eyes causing him to step back and tumble down the cliff.

Stiles swears he hits every rock in the world before he is stopped by slamming back first into a boulder, he whines as blurry figures approach his fragile figure, 'this is it', he's in too much pain to fight back so he lays down, ears pressed against his head and tail tucked between his legs. He hears one of the men laugh while approaching him 'I'm sorry dad' Stiles thinks, then he hears growling 'a wolf?' Stiles lays completely still hoping it doesn't decide that he wants Stiles for himself.

The hunters try to grab their weapons but more wolves appear and attack the hunters while the alpha deals with the man who approached Stiles, Stiles watches the fight unable to look away until he is gently picked up and carried away, he blacks out as soon as the fight is out of his view.

Derek and the pack decide to run around in their wolf forms while Lydia, Kira and Malia chat sometimes laughing at the pups who tackle each other, even Derek is having a good time until they hear the cry of an injured animal "hunters" Derek growls before they all run into the woods.

Derek leads the way until they reach the bottom of the cliff to see six hunters all surrounding what looks to be a fox, 'something about that fox smells familiar' Derek thinks but quickly shakes his head and tells the pack his plan then he jumps onto the boulder and growls at the hunter closest to the fox and soon the battle begins, luckily Liam was able to retrieve the fox and run back towards the house.

The pack won the fight and sent the hunters fleeing, they quickly make it back home and patch themselves up before checking on the fox which Peter took care of as soon as Liam ran inside with it. "How's it doing?" Derek asks trying to keep his voice emotionless but this fox seems important to him, Peter shakes his head and Derek's chest tightens "I don't know, there was something on the arrow head and it seems to be poisoning the poor thing" Peter sighs gently patting its head.

"wolfsbane?" Derek asks but Peter shakes his head again "no it looked different and nothing happened when I touched it also meaning it couldn't of been mistletoe either" Derek is stumped he's only known of hunters using either wolfsbane or mistletoe, his wolf wants to scream and cry at the thought of losing the fox before an idea pops into his head and he's suddenly picking up the small creature "Scott, call Deaton!".

Deaton is shocked and worried as the entire Hale pack rushes into his clinic so late at night until he notices the fox in Derek's arms and his face immediately softens, "quick, set him down on the table" Deaton lets them in then grabs the ingredients he needs "he-he was shot with....uh..with something" Derek mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"I know, it's called Aconitum Vulparia or 'foxbane' it's extremely poisonous to werefoxes" Deaton mixes the ingredients together then places the paste onto the fox's leg before bandaging it, "wait a werefox?" Scott looks at Deaton confused "that's what this fox is" speaking of the fox, Stiles twitches his ears listening to the voices around him "I think he's awake" Isaac announces to the rest of the pack.

Stiles rolls his eyes 'thanks for telling everyone' he thinks sarcastically then he carefully stands up "careful, you were shot with foxbane, it should heal before morning but only if you take it easy" Deaton pats Stiles' head 'thanks doc, but I should be getting home before dad gets up' Stiles telepathically talks to Deaton who nods his head and picks up Stiles.

"I think we should all be heading home" Deaton suggests while looking at the pack members "we don't even get to know who he is?" Malia asks in disbelief "he'll tell you when he's good and ready" Deaton glares at them before walking out the back with Stiles and into his car so he can drive him home, "we should follow him" Jackson suggests with a few others nodding their heads in agreement "no" Derek silences them with his glowing red eyes "no one is to follow Deaton or the fox understood!" They all nod their heads.

When Stiles arrives home it is five minutes past midnight, he sighs with relief when he notices his dad's cruiser isn't in the drive way 'thanks for the lift, Doc' Stiles smiles as best as he can in his fox form, his tail wagging happily behind him "you're quite welcome Mischief" Deaton stays until Stiles enters the house through the secret fox entrance that he designed.

Stiles shifts into his beta form and limps to the bathroom then changes the bandage on his ankle before locking his window, closing the blinds and laying down on his bed 'tomorrow is gonna be hell' is Stiles' last thought before he shut his eyes and falls asleep.

"Hey kit, it's time for school" Stiles groans then rolls over to face his dad "hey kiddo" Noah smiles at the sight of his son's messy hair and twitching fox ears "hey dad" Stiles sleepily smiles back "you wanna go get breakfast?" The sheriff asks his son who jumps up and rushes around trying to get ready which makes Noah laugh "don't hurt yourself and don't forget the beanie" then Noah walks downstairs and prepares the car.

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