The mischievious fox (pt. 4) -Sterek

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'Dad we need reinforcements' Stiles reaches out to his dad knowing he is nearby "you belong to me, just like your mom did before she went to the Hales for protection" Stiles glares at the mention of his mother "I knew she was hiding something but I didn't think she was pregnant, why don't you show me your wonderful violet eyes" Deucalion softens his hold on Stiles' neck his smile never leaving his face until Stiles speaks "I do not belong to to you, I don't belong to anyone!" Stiles yells angrily into Deucalion's face.

Derek is surprised but it is quickly replaced with fear as Ennis picks Liam up by his scruff "either you show me your violet eyes or Ennis here rips the pup in two" Deucalion is now scowling. Theo growls and tries to get up but Ennis just kicks him down "I don't have violet eyes I promise! Please don't hurt my pup" Stiles cries trying to break free again.

Deucalion growls then nods at Ennis to proceed "NO!" Stiles screams and flails his limbs hysterically his claws emerging just enough to scratch a few surfaces as an attempt to break free and save his pup but a huge grey wolf tackles Ennis to the ground before anyone can do anything "get your hands off of Stiles!" Parrish growls exiting the woods with his body on fire.

Another growl is heard and they all turn to see a fox the size of a small wolf stalk towards Deucalion with a murderous look in its eyes. Upon noticing the fox something clicks in Deucalion's mind "that bitch!" He growls then throws Stiles to the ground and turns towards the fox readying himself for battle. The fox lets out a furious growl as Stiles hits the dirt with a loud thump.

The Fox's tail swishes violently and sticks up like thousands of thin needles but the most noticeable thing is the glowing ruby eyes that seem to glare towards the blind werewolf but before any battling could begin a gunshot rang out through the air causing most of the weres to cover their sensitive ears.

"This is just a warning Deucalion, either you take your pack and leave now or I'll let this fox and every hunter in the country come after your pathetic arse!" Chris Argent is heard yelling, to Stiles his voice sounds like it's coming from everywhere, Deucalion snarls before smiling sharply "fine! C'mon lets leave this pack to its own demise" and then the Alpha pack runs off.

Stiles bolts over to Liam and Theo who are practically merging together "is my pup okay, please tell me your okay, not my pup" Stiles cries as hugs the two werewolves "I'm fine Stiles, I promise" Liam nuzzles his nose into Stiles' neck "we should get back to the house and then we can explain everything" Noah suggests patting his son on the head noticing his beanie his gone but luckily it's after a full moon so his ears aren't visible. "Okay, yeah okay" Stiles mumbles before they all head back to the Hale house.

"Are we really going to abandon our mission?" Kali growls "no! We are simply waiting for the right time and we will kill the sheriff and take the newly Alpha'd werefox by force if we have to!" Deucalion yells into the night, his red eyes shining fiercely.

When the pack returns to the house Stiles has everyone gather in the living room "okay I think it's finally time that my dad and I came clean" Stiles begins, he looks at everyone's faces before continuing "I'm the fox you guys saved the other day, my whole family are werefoxes, the reason we've kept this a secret is because how species is endangered and rare, hunters hunt us only for our pelts which are said to be magical also my mom didn't die of frontal lope dementia she died because she was poisoned with Foxglove which is a very rare and a very dangerous version of Foxbane that not even Deaton knows the cure for it and I understand if you wanna kick me out of the pack for lying to you" tears are leaking out of Stiles' eyes by the time he finishes.

"We are not kicking you out of the pack" Jackson whines surprising everyone but Stiles who just smiles wetly at him "thanks Jax" Jackson smirks back and nods "what did Deucalion mean by violet eyes?" Liam asks from Theo's lap "my mom was a different type of werefox, while my dad and I are red foxes, my mom was an artic fox and an Alpha, Artic werefoxes have different coloured eyes for status then werewolfs, Betas have a green colour, if they've killed an innocent they turn a teal colour and the Alphas have violet eyes also the Alphas are usually female" Stiles rambles a little.

"What colour are your eyes?" Scott asks curiously, Stiles looks at his dad then stands next to him "mine are orange" Stiles says and flashes his eyes "and mine are red" Noah then flashes his own eyes, Stiles looks around and smiles brightly at the amazed faces "now you can run with us!" Liam shouts excitedly and randomly causing the pack to burst out laughing.

"Can we see your shift again?" Peter asks from his corner near Argent "I can beta shift, I don't think I have the energy to shift then shift back" Peter nods in understanding and soon enough orange and black fox ears poke out of Stiles' hair and an orange and white fluffy tail swings behind his legs "you're adorable!" Lydia squeals and runs over to Stiles so she can pat his ears "uh thanks?" Stiles chuckles and eventually everyone has taken turns patting Stiles.

It wasn't until Theo yawned that Stiles realised that it was two in the morning "cuddle pile!" A few pups yelled before running away to grab pillows and blankets, Peter and Argent went upstairs while the other Shifters shifted and laid down into the pile "I'll see you later" Noah patted his son's head before heading home and then Stiles was pulled into the pile by Derek and was forced to cuddle with the black wolf.

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