A very short Buddie oneshot

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After an explosion at the scene Eddie is holding Buck's shoulders down so he can't move, turning his head away to hold back tears, and wincing in empathy as Chimney picks shrapnel out of Buck's stomach. Every sob from Buck is followed by a bloody "plink" of metal onto the ground, and a sharp inhaled hiss from Eddie. He turns his head to stare down at Buck's red, panicked, tear-stained face and lock eyes with him. Buck starts to shake and moan softly.

"Just keep looking at me. Yep that's right, eyes on me. I know, I know-it hurts, but you're doing great, you're gonna be ok. Chimney's almost done and afterwards you can sleep for a month. Just keep your eyes on me, ok? Focus on my words. Stay with me."

Buck nods weakly, pulls his clenched lips into his mouth between his teeth, and squeezes his eyes tightly shut as more tears leak out the sides, Eddie softly wipes them away with his thumb. After a few minutes Chimney is done and they're loading Buck into the ambulance.

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