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...Soulmates. The words Allura said rung in King Alfor's head. Soulmates. His father had one. Zarkon (I'm sorry couldn't think of anything else). He loved her so much, it hurt. Bad. Zarkon couldn't stop loving her, Honerva. She was his everything, his life, his soul. She was walking down the street, when it happened. She had bought a present for him. A lion, a black metal lion. She knew about his fascination about the creature. So, she got him a little figure. She wasn't looking. A truck ran into her. Zarkon was devastated. 

She was his everything, his life, his soul.

And he just lost it.

 Zarkon met someone else. A woman who loved him the way he had loved Honerva. Haggar. Haggar was similar to Honerva in ways, but still he couldn't. The pain was too much. Zarkon's marks had glowed around both women, Zarkon grew to love Haggar and married her. They had a child, King Alfor. Alfor saw his father's pain. He swore to never be in the condition his father was in. Never did Alfor want a soulmate. Not if they just caused pain like they did for his father. Zarkon had nights where he couldn't sleep, because he thought of Honerva. Her name was never mentioned in the castle. Alfor thought he would keep his oath. But I guess everyone meets their soulmate. 


 She was beautiful, and Alfor couldn't resist, their marks glowed when they were together. Soon, they were married. Rosa gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a year later. Alfor thought everything was gonna be fine. Rosa got pregnant again. This time is was a baby boy. Weeks before the birth, Rosa got sick. Alfor thought it was just a cold. A flu. A simple bug. It was heart failure. The baby boy was born, but it was too much for Rosa. She died a day later. Alfor should've known. He swore to never be like his father when it came to soulmates, but it was too much. The pain was too great. He never let Allura get any boyfriends or girlfriends. Whenever, the family talked about marriage, Alfor pretended liked he cared. He didn't give a fuck. An arranged marriage would be perfect. Lance wouldn't meet his soulmate, and he would still get married. Allura could stay single, or he could set up another arranged marriage. Alfor would do anything to keep his children from being hurt the way he and his father were.


Alfor snapped out of his thoughts."Soulmate, you say?" Allura nodded,"Yes Father, Lance has been meeting with a boy for the past few weeks, almost months. I believe he has fallen in love with him." That was it. The line was officially crossed. Alfor tried to conceal his anger, but it was too late.

"Allura" He said venom in his words. Allura froze."Y-Yes Father?"

"Call Lance, right now." Allura scurried away running to Lance who was in the garden. She told him to get to the throne room quick. lnace saw the panic in her eyes and ran to the throne room. When he arrived he quickly bowed to the king."Yes Father?"

"Lance...I have made my decision and it is final."

Lance paled at his father's next words. His knees almost gave out.

"You will meet Prince Akira of Marmora, tomorrow. I will set up the meeting with Empress Krolia, right now."


Well that happened. I'm almost done with this fic, so I can get started on the Spy AU next. I have a lot of plans for that UWU. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the cliffhanger but I gotta do it.

Please vote, comment, and share my story with your friends!

I hope ya'll have a nice New Years! I got some leftover christmas klance pics so Imma do that now.

I hope ya'll have a nice New Years! I got some leftover christmas klance pics so Imma do that now

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not Christmas but it's adorable

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not Christmas but it's adorable

I saw this and I had too The art is bEAuTiFUl

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I saw this and I had too The art is bEAuTiFUl

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