I need some advice...

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 Lance sat helplessly on his bed, pondering. There has to be a reason why he's having these dreams. He decides to ask his two favorite geniuses. Matt and Katie Holt. Well, that's them formally. Katie likes to be called Pidge. Their father is the royal scientist of the castle, Samuel Holt. He's currently looking for a vaccine for a virus that's been going on for a while(No, not Covid-19) Anyway, Pidge has short light brown hair and glasses and she wears male clothing. She's what is known on Altea a demi-girl. Matt is her elder brother and looks exactly like her, just much taller. Lance left her room, to go to the lab. There he sees the famous Sam Holt. "Dr. Holt! Do you know where Matt and Pidge are?" Samuel Holt turned to face Lance,"My boy, It is wonderful to see you! Pidge is over-Here!"Pidge called out from behind. Matt was behind her running his hands through a screen. "Lance! It's been a while, how've you been?" Pidge asked, smiling. "Terrible."Lance replied honestly and dramatically, putting his hand to his face."I'm sure it's not that bad, right Lance" Matt called out. Lance sighed. If only the knew. "Can they step out for a bit, Dr.Holt?" Lance asked their father. Dr.Holt smiled,"They could use a break."

  Lance, Matt, and Pidge stepped outside of the lab and walked down the hallway. On the side, they had portraits of the castle's staff and their familys, alongside the royal family themselves. Pidge and Matt looked at the Holt painting(the one at the top^). Pidge had long hair, and didn't need glasses at the time. Matt looks the same. Pidge scoffed."We seriously need to update that painting" She looked at her old self, remembering what it was like to be that young. She was 13 at the time and Matt was 16. Lance smiled, "Not really, your still as short as ever, Pidgeon!" Pidge scoffed while Matt stifled a chuckle. The Holt siblings got serious.

 "What is so important you need us to step out of the lab?" Pidge asked. Matt noded in agreement. Lance sighed, "My dad's marrying me off to some Prince Akira of Marmora."

Pidge and Matt screeched. Lance wasn't expecting that. Pidge started asking all kinds of questions. Lance ignored them and they followed him to the garden. There Lance explained everything that happened the days before. He then explained about the dreams...then it clicked. The galra Keith. That's why he looked so familiar. " I met this galra... I felt a pull towards him." Pidge wiggled her eyebrows"Oh?~" Matt sighed, "You can't fall for this Keith he isn't the prince."(Matt your supposed to be smart) Lance sighed"...I know, but he's so kind and I'm gonna meet him soon-"Pidge cut him off. "Wait, what do you mean you're gonna meet him?" 

 "I might have set up a meeting last time I saw him?" Pidge squealed. Pidge already figured it out. Prince Akira is Keith, just she doesn't know why he didn't tell him he was a prince or why he was in citizens."When are you meeting him?" Matt asked.



PIDGE AND MATT ARE INTRODUCED YES! The entire time I imagined Pidge like this...

PIDGE AND MATT ARE INTRODUCED YES! The entire time I imagined Pidge like this

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