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     The rocket launcher shook the hotel. I dived onto the floor, along with everyone. The floor was shaking and the hotel seemed like it was going to collapse any second. We were trapped. The slightest movement could kill us all. In the background, I heard the rocket launcher reload. Even if it was risky, we had to move.

     I calculated.

     There were a few options. We could lean to the right, collapsing the hotel, and hope that the impact wouldn't kill us. However, we were on the fifteenth floor. The angle we would crash at was a parabola of 2x^2. The impact would be a 490,000 newtons, or the impact of a bad car crash. This would probably severely injure us, not to mention tons of civilians living in the hotel.

     Two seconds passed. Ten left before another rocket hit. I went into calculation mode.

     Leaning to the left would only slightly be better than leaning to the right, so that was out. If we stayed still and let a rocket hit us, the impact would definitely cause at least a minor earthquake, causing the hotel to tip over. Either way would be catastrophic. We could hope for the chance that they missed, but that was a very slim chance. Leaning to the right gave us a 4.23% chance of surviving, and a 0.03% chance of no injuries. Staying still gave us a 9.23% chance of surviving, but a 0.008% of surviving without being captured.

     Then, I saw it. The way out. Since we were on the fifteenth floor, if they shot at us, we, and all the people above us would collapse. But what about the people BELOW? I knew that the floor would be impossible to break normally, but the rocket launcher had given us a gift. The floor was weak and barely supported. I gestured to Erica who immediately caught on and informed Catherine.

     On three.




      We all jumped and pounded through the floor. We crashed down into the 14th floor where a scared family was sitting. They looked at us with so much fear in their eyes that I almost tried to help them, but I realized that we had no time to waste. The rocket launcher fired again taking out the entire floor and all floors above. It wouldn't be long before they realized we weren't there.

     Erica and Catherine suddenly started to head out. They must've seen an opening. I followed them and saw the elevator cable. Catherine slid down a few floors and gestured to me.

     "No way. No. I refuse. I am not doing-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

     Erica pushed me down. I barely managed to grab on, while completely destroying my sense of calmness. Erica swiftly and gracefully jumped down and opened the door of the elevator. Wow. It still worked.

     "What were you thinking?! You could've killed me!" I said to Erica, kind of furious.

     "Quiet! If they hear us we're screwed. Here, put on this hat. It'll make you look less like you."

     She had grabbed a hat from the rubble. It was covered with dirt and moldy. I wanted to refuse, but I knew I couldn't.

     We dashed out of the elevator as fast as we could while trying to seem like a normal resident trying to escape a collapsing hotel. We ran for a while until we found a good hiding spot. Catherine finally started talking.

     "Now that we're semi-safe, what was your plan to save Mike and Zoe, Ben?"

      Oh, right. Mike and Zoe. I had completely forgot about them. We had barely made it out alive and now we had to infiltrate them? Come on, why couldn't we go on missions that didn't involve SPYDER? Maybe like a normal thug or something.

     "Well uh-um-" I tried to start.

     "Well, we know where they are located, and what kind of weaponry they have. We aren't necessarily outnumbered. We can definitely infiltrate and get in. The problem is getting out," said Erica, saving me from doing a terrible response.

     We don't even know where Mike and Zoe are located! The problem is getting out, the problem is everything! No matter how good you guys are, you can't overpower dozens of guards, fully loaded to the brim. You also can't do that without triggering the alarm!" I said.

     "Well, theoretically, could you disable the alarms?" said Catherine

     "It would take a lot of work....and probably some sort of expensive drone....." I responded

     "Well then, let's do it! You can take out the alarms, and me and Erica will easily take out the guards. Don't let us down Ben! You have the hard part." Catherine said.

    I shook my head in wonder. They were taking down their entire security force and I had the hard part? Well, I better get to work.

     I knew that the alarm systems were easy to deactivate, just not easy to reach. Looking at the video footage we had, we needed to get a drone past four guards, and disable an EMP. It couldn't be a normal one, that would be too easy to spot. It had to be a miniscule one that would only disable a radius of 10-20 feet. Otherwise, the entire building's lights would go down, and it would be WAY too obvious. 

     I also needed a way to get the EMP in there. I thought about disguising myself as a janitor again, but that would never work. They probably don't even have janitors. I also couldn't give it to Erica and Catherine, since the alarms needed to be disabled before they took out the guards. I watched the footage to study the patterns and get an idea when something odd hit me. One of the guards would walk back and forth from the entrance of their base to the control room. That was his path. I realized that there was an easy way to do this. 

     I got the EMP, some gum, and a kid's slinky. I attached the EMP and slinky using tape, and put a big wad of sticky gum on the other side of the EMP. When nobody was looking, I fired the slinky directly where the guard was standing and tried to get it attached to him. No dice. I tried just placing the EMP and gum where he was going to walk on this time, and it attached perfectly. 

    "EMP is attached. Five minutes to infiltration." I said, warning Erica and Catherine who were in position. 

     As soon as it was in range, I activated it, busting out the lights and most importantly, the alarm system. The guards looked confused, but were more distracted by the lights to notice the alarm deactivating. I sat back and watched. Catherine and Erica took out the guards with silencers and tranquilizer darts. It was unbelievably easy. They checked every locked room and busted them down. They had found tons of weapons, but still no Mike and Zoe.

     I started to get worried. What if they weren't here? They could be in a different base! What if they were dead? What if they got executed? What if-

     "This is Catherine. We have found them."

     Success. Now we just needed to get out.

    Erica and Catherine took a rocket launcher they had found in a room before and blasted a wall open, appropriately setting off some car alarms. They ran out with Zoe and Mike and ran as fast as they could. Snipers on the roof fired at them, but luckily, they weren't hit. In fact, it was so lucky that it was a 4.5% chance that no one would get hit. They made it back in time.

     Phew. Finally, a successful mission.

over 1300 words! That's a record! Even though that's not a lot!

Anyways, I'll put up a poll.

Comment here if you want the story to end with Zen

Comment here if you want the story to end with Berica

Comment here if you want a random reader to be in the book

Comment here if you want the story to end with no romances and no random reader, and just keep it as is.

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