Chapter 8: Old faces

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     After a successful rescue mission, we all returned to the hotel exhausted, but none of us could fall asleep. The incident with Erica showed that we had to be on our guard at all times. Even the best of us, could be captured. Before we went to sleep, Cyrus informed us that we would be waking up at 0400.

     "0400?! That's four A.M!" said Mike.

     "I know when 0400 is! Now set your alarms and go to-"

     "But I don't want to wake up that early!" Interrupted Mike.

     "Well, as your commanding officer, I am forcing you." Said Cyrus, getting irritated.

     "There's no way I'm getting up that early," said Mike.

   Time skip to 0400

     "Why am I up so early. I should not be up so early. I got four hours of sleep and you want me to go on a high-intensity, extremely dangerous mission?!" Said Mike, in an irritated tone.

     "Yes,"Cyrus said simply.

     And so it was decided. Cyrus informed us that our mission was to check every single hotel room to see if SPYDER was in one of them. Last time, we tried to take a shortcut, and it backfired, so apparently we had to do it the old-fashioned way. We would all split up and take a floor. I took floor 1, Erica took floor 2, Cyrus took floor 3, Mike took floor 4, and Zoe took floor 5. 

     I tried to keep my guard up, but I was extremely tired. Like Mike said, i had only got four hours of sleep. Plus, this task was extremely boring. It was such a repetitive task. Use the keys that Erica had stolen, check inside the room for SPYDER agents, lock the door, mark the door, and move on. After a long and boring four hours, I was near the end, and I had found not one, not two, but zero SPYDER agents. I began to drop my guard. What are the chances that I would find one in the last room?

     Apparently, the chances were high. Because as soon as I opened the door, a man in a black ski mask grabbed me and dragged me in.

     "ERICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed, right before the goon covered my mouth.

     "MPHEMPHHHH," I tried to scream through, but it didn't work.

     "Welcome, Ben,"said a familiar voice.

      I sighed, I knew that voice. 

     "Joshua. How in the world did you escape?"

     "The same way Ms.E did. I just bribed the guards. You CIA people are so easy to turn. Just a few million dollars and i can get whatever I want," said Joshua, with a smug smile on his face. 

     Just then, Erica busted through the door...and was shot with a sedation dart. She fell on the floor face-first.

     "Tut-Tut, looks like your ice queen can't save you now," said Joshua, in a mocking tone.

     "One by one, your idiotic agents will come and "rescue" you, and one by one they will fall. Looks like the game is over, Ripley. SPYDER has finally won."

     And so, my worst nightmare began.

A/N: That chapter was decent, wasn't it? Well I'm gonna up the goal. 8 people saying update and 12 votes. I don't think you guys can get this one, so, prove me wrong.

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