Chapter 3:

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Time skip to one hour before the mission

     "Yeah I know. Just let you do the work. I got it, Erica. Yes, I also know that we are leaving in one hour. I'm not stupid, you know."

     "What's the mission about?!

     The door swung wide open to reveal Mike, with an excited look on his face.

     "No no no not again! Why do you guys always eavesdrop at the wrong time?"

     "What?! I didn't hear anything you said! I just asked what mission you guys were going on!"

     "If you weren't eavesdropping how would you know about the mission!"

     "Erica told me"

     He was obviously lying, and it wasn't even a good lie. Why would Erica tell him about the mission? She would never jeopardize her reputation like that. So I responded "Erica would never risk her reputation."

     "Not intentionally."
     "What do you mean not intentionally??!"

     "I technically wasn't eavesdropping on you, I eavesdropped on Erica.

     My jaw dropped. Erica was the school's top spy. She could beat any student or even any teacher senseless. Why would Mike risk his life in order to eavesdrop on Erica? And furthermore, how did Erica not find out. This didn't matter though, because if Cyrus found out that Mike knew, he would assume I told him. "Listen, Mike, you can't tell anyone. Not even Zoe. You can't even speak of this, and you can't sneak on the plane. If Cyrus finds out I am legitimately screwed.

     Don't worry, I'll keep your secret. I know how much trouble you would get in."

     "Thank you so much Mike, and I'm sorry for not being able to include you on this mission."

Time skip to mission

     "Last time, the pilots betrayed us, so I am personally going to supervise and fly this airplane." said Cyrus.

     That made sense. About a year ago, we had been betrayed by the pilots of the airplane, and the only way for us to survive was to blow up a heat seeking missile and land the plane in a lake of alligators.

     During the trip, I kept hearing voices in the back of the plane, and I went to check if Mike was hiding there like last time, but I found nothing. I was probably imagining things, I thought to myself. The flight was short, only about two hours to Chicago, but I was holding my breath the whole time. I really didn't want to have to crash land again. Thankfully, the trip was smooth. We got off the plane and I bumped straight into....Mike.

     "Mike! I told you not to sneak on the plane!"

     "So I didn't! I had Zoe distract the principal, while I snuck out of school. From there, I booked a ticket to Chicago, and waited here for you!"

     Maybe I really was imagining the noises in the back.

     "How'd you know we were going to Chicago?!"

     "I'm a spy, it's my job to know things."

     That's Erica's line, I thought to myself.

     "Oh yeah, and Zoe is here too!"

     "She booked a ticket too?!" I asked.

"Nope! She snuck on the back of the plane and hid in the luggage compartment. That's probably why you heard noises in the background." Mike responded, as if he was reading my mind.

     "Mike! Do you know how much trouble I'm gonna be in! Cyrus specifically told me to not let you guys in on this mission!"

     "And you didn't! I learned it from Erica!"

     "Mike! Are you serious! Do you really think Cyrus is going to think that Erica let you guys eavesdrop on her! He's gonna kill me!"

     "Speaking of Cyrus, there he is!"

     Uh oh.

     I spotted Cyrus coming from the plane. He took one look at Mike, and bellowed.  

And that's a wrap. Now I need four people saying update

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