Chapter 4

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"RIPLEY!!! What is the meaning of this!" said Cyrus.

"Well I-uh, you see I-um I-uhhh-" I responded nervously.

"Can it, Ripley! You took your best friend on a top-secret mission that I specifically told you NOT to do."

"Actually, both of his best friends are here," said Mike.

I stared daggers at him. That was an act of betrayal.

"What?! He was gonna find out eventually! You can't hide anything from Cyrus," said Mike, responding to my glare of doom.

Cyrus looked like he was about to explode. "So, you told a first and second year about the mission, and then LET them sneak on the plane? So that's why you kept checking the back! To see if they were okay!"

"Yes, but-" I tried to explain, but Cyrus cut me off.

"No and, ifs, or buts. You know the punishment Ripley. When we get back I will inflict it on you.

"What's going on guys? Why do I hear Cyrus screaming?" Zoe piped up.

Cyrus responded with a glare at me and a simple, yet infuriating sentence. "Well your idiotic friend here can't do anything right, and let an immature first and second year get on the plane.

"Hey! I'm also a second year, and I've thwarted SPYDER multiple times. Zoe has done the same!"

"This conversation is over, Ben, let's focus on the mission. Since Ben (angrily stares at him) was stupid enough to let you guys on the plane, you can help us. Doesn't hurt to have more eyes," said Cyrus, obviously not over the fact that I made a mistake.

Cyrus then proceeded to brief us on the mission. Apparently, there was a mole inside the CIA feeding information to SPYDER and they had traced it back to Madhouse Madison. They investigated the database and found out that Ms.E was living there, along with other unknown SPYDER higher ups.

Then I realized... "Wait, SPYDER owns a basketball stadium?!!

"Technically, they don't actually own the basketball stadium, they're just staying there. We have no proof that they own it. Now if you could let me finish. Our job is to find the reason why SPYDER is staying here, and then we bring in the big guns. Do not try and engage with the enemy," responded Cyrus.

Mike then made a good point. "How are we going to blend in without the hundreds of SPYDER agents noticing us?"

"Good point Mike, but the answer is obvious. We're going to be basketball staff," said Erica.

I looked at Mike in jealousy. How come Erica always complimented him! He hasn't even known Erica half the time I've known her and he's already got more compliments than I have. Not to mention the fact that my compliments included "You did a good job at faking vomiting." I tried to ignore my emotions though, and realized what Erica said was right. The only way to blend into the crowd was to become the crowd.

"That's a good idea Erica!" I said.

That was a horrible idea. When she said "basketball staff" I thought she meant like an assistant manager or something, not a janitor. Now I had to run around with a mop and water bucket. I sighed. At least the day couldn't get worse

The day definitely got worse.

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