Chapter 22? I think it is anyway.

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btw, instead up updating the old chapter, I just continued it here.

    "Do you really want me to to go into the percentages? Basically, one hundred forty two out of one hundred fifty six times, SPYDER does not kill, does not attain information, and only tortures for about ten minutes. Zoe should hold up," said Erica.

     "Oh so that makes it SO MUCH BETTER. She's literally getting tortured. I know you're acting irrational because of Cyrus and all that, but we are not letting Zoe get tortured." I said, furious at Erica.

     Meanwhile, Catherine just hid in the background, not wanting to get noticed by the raging bull that was Erica.

     "Fine, do whatever you want. Go save your girlfriend, but I'm not coming," said Erica.

     I contemplated it. On one hand, it was my moral obligation to go after Zoe. On the other hand, what could I do? Catherine surely wouldn't come if Erica didn't come. Mike was trapped, and Cyrus was dead. So I literally had nobody to help me. As good as I am at figuring out SPYDER's plans, going in solo to infiltrate the biggest SPYDER base was plain suicide.

     Erica seemed to realize this.

     "Good that you've come to your senses. Now, if you would stop stalling, we can devise a plan to free your friends, and THEN we can bomb them."

     "Erica, can you stop bringing up the bomb? We will hurt millions of innocent people," I said, honestly just irritated.

     Erica led us through a series of plans that I was not paying attention to. I knew that it involved her and Catherine killing everyone, and that I wasn't used much. I turned my attention back to my life. I couldn't believe that in a few years, I had gone from a nerdy kid who was good at math, to fighting in a spy school for the fate of the world. It seemed too unreal. It seemed like a dream.

     And then Ben woke up, laughed at himself for thinking that he went to a spy school, and went to school.


     "Ben. BEN. BEN!"

     "Wha-" I said.

     "Were you even LISTENING TO ANYTHING I SAID?!" said Erica.

     "No, but I know that it involves you doing all the work."

      Erica was furious, but she caught me up on the plan. She had placed a tracker with cameras and a microphone on Zoe when she left. Apparently she had noticed her leaving and didn't say anything. Great. Using her computer, Erica pulled up the camera. She saw exactly where they were and was able to identify it in seconds. Back in the basketball arena. The basketball arena was hosting a game.

     Madison square garden was the host of a historically bad NBA team. The New York Knicks. We looked at their schedule, and they had a game in five hours.

     "Look. Two guards at the entrance. Five in the stadium, where the friends will be, and ten in the announcers pit," said Catherine, using her sharp eye.

     "Why the announcers pit? What does that have to do with anything?" said Erica.

     And that's when it hit me. They'd been teasing it the entire mission, but I just hadn't noticed. The big billboard, the words that Joshua said....

     I knew their plan.

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