Chapter 20: Cyrus=( ఠൠఠ )

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     Cyrus was just laying there. His head bleeding out. There was no time to help him. I looked over at Erica, and her face was filled with grief. It was the most emotion she ever had. I almost thought she was going to cry, but then I realized who I was talking about.

     "Mom, duck!" Erica screamed.

     Good thing she did. Three sniper bullets shot straight through the glass again, and if it weren't for Erica, Catherine would've ended up bleeding on the floor. 


      Somehow, SPYDER had known where we lived. Not only that, they had Snipers ready to fire at their command. So why hadn't they killed us earlier? Just so they could kill me publicly? Why go through that much effort just to do that? They could've just recorded me and the rest of the gang getting shot in the head repeatedly. They had so much power. They could literally do anything!

     We were just a puppet. A puppet in their big game. No matter how much we tried, no matter how many Ericas we had, we were always ten steps behind. Even when we thought we were ahead, we were only made to think that way.

     We had to evacuate. SPYDER knew every step we were going to do. We were in their home territory, and that's never good. 

     Our group fell apart. I wanted to leave the territory. Erica wanted to nuke the place. Catherine wanted to stay and hold a proper funeral for Cyrus. Zoe wanted to give up, and Mike was trapped.

     "Cyrus DESERVES a funeral! The man was a legend! You Americans must be able to understand that!" Catherine said.

     "I don't care about a funeral. I'm calling the president and telling him to nuke the place. We should've done that years ago," said Erica.

     "No! we need to leave. It's not safe here. They have the home-court advantage!" I responded.

     "There's no point! Mike's trapped, Cyrus is dead. Just give up! We literally can't do anything anymore! Every time we win it's because they wanted us to win. Ben captured Ms.E, but that doesn't even do anything, because they WANTED us to, so then they could find our location, Mike got captured. Ben got captured like TEN TIMES and we freed him every time only to lose over and over and over. I'm SICK AND TIRED, of being SICK AND TIRED! Erica was probably a mole who felt bad, Catherine doesn't even care about America, Ben is literally just doing this to spend time with Erica, and I AM DONE. If I'm not this hellhole, I'm also not going to help you. So burn yourselves out. There's nothing we can do." Zoe screamed angrily.

     "No! NO! We cannot give up! You are all morons! I'm the only smart one! My mom is a moron, Ben is a moron, and Zoe is an idiot! We have the FRICKING CIA. They can bomb the place. We should sacrifice ourselves to get rid of SPYDER. I will have finally saved the world and got the credit!" Erica said.

     "That's all you care about! The credit?! At least pretend like you care!" I screamed.

     The shouting match lasted for so long that we didn't even see Zoe slipping out the back.

     "GUYS. Zoe's gone! What the heck do we do?!" I said.

     "Isn't it obvious? We let her." Erica responded.

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