Just Relax

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((back in my honey-senpai phase-))

"Moma..?" Denki asked, sitting on the couch in the Class 1-B common room.

"Yeah, Sparks?"

"Can ou come over.. a-an seep? An' Miss. Kendall!"

"A sleepover?" Monoma hummed, smiling. "Of course we can, Sparky! Let's go tell Kendo!"

"I'm right here, and we need to go to the grocery store." Kendo came out of her room, wearing a jacket and going to get her shoes. "Do you want to come, kiddo?"

"Da 'tore? Yes peas!" The little nodded rapidly, slowing down when Kendo advised as such. "An Miss Kendall? Can 'ou seep in my room ta'night!"

"Like a sleepover? Sure, I don't mind. Okay, Monoma." She turned her attention towards him. "We only need bread, eggs, and milk."

Monoma nodded, grabbing a random piece of paper and a pen.

"We aren't getting anything else. At most, we can buy some candy for the sleepover."

"Yay! Le's go now!" Denki tugged on her hand, shaking it rapidly.

"Okay, put on your shoes and jacket you two!" Kendo clapped her hands together.

"You said that as if I'm a child too." Monoma rolled his eyes, going to get his jacket.

"You're just a responsible as one." Kendo muttered, grabbing the blank piece of paper he had yet to put the items they needed on. "What was it..?"

"B'ed, eggs and milks!" Kaminari recalled, thinking. "Hm.. I want milks too.."

"I'll make you some when we get back sweetie. Chocolate milk or strawberry?" Itsuka pat his head, putting the list in her pocket. She picked up his jacket and helped him put it on, then going over to the door and getting their shoes.

"Hm.. Chocate pease!" He beamed, grabbing Rexxy.

"Okay. Let's go and get this over with." Monoma sighed.

The trio left the dorm building, walking to the grocery store. It was a bit far, but a bit of extra exercise couldn't hurt.

Reading off the list again, Kendo went off to do important shopping while she sent Kami and Monoma to get candy.

"Moma! Moma, look it!" Kami grabbed a big mixed bag of gummy bears and gummy worms. "I share wit' Shima cuz he like da bear!"

"It's pretty nice of you to want to share with your friend, Tiny." Monoma pat his head.

"What does Moma wants?"

"Hm.." Monoma grabbed a bag of hard lemon candies from the shelf. "These look good."

"My Gwanpas had those all da times!" Kami gasped.

"Grandpas? You have two?"

"Mhm! D'ey were my Ojiisan an' Sofu! Mom doesn't let me see dem anymore tho.. She said it's cuz they liked each other and not girls.." He frowned, soon disregarding the depressing thoughts. "Now Moma 's my new Ojiisan!"

"W-What.. Why?" The blond responded, taken aback.

"Cuz you like old people can'ies! So you old!" Denki spouted out his reason, leaving Monoma shocked and confused.

"It makes sense, you're cranky like an old man." Kendo snickered, coming back with her few groceries. "Did you pick out a candy, sweetie?"

"Uh-huh! I gots gummies for me an' Shima!" Denki held up his chosen bag of candy as Itsuka pat his head.

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