Bad Words

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"Peekaboo!" Mina uncovered her eyes rapidly, making Kaminari laugh.

Kaminari was sitting on the couch with Tsu and Mina. He had gotten bored of what he was watching on T.V, so he began playing with Tsu and Mina.
"Are you hungry, Firefly?" Mina asked, getting off of the couch.
"I wan nuggies!" Kaminari followed suit.
"Alright, I think we have some!" Mina skipped towards the refrigerator, opening the top door to get to the frozen items. Meanwhile, Tsu was spaced out.

Denki's mindset seemed younger than usual to her, but she decided not to ponder on it. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable. It was actually really cute.
"Tsu-nee." Kaminari poked the girl. His finger had found its way to a comfortable spot in his mouth. "Wan nuggies?"
"No, I'm alright, kero." Tsu smiled, watching Kaminari scamper off. He tugged on Mina's shirt.
"Mamami! Nuggies!" He pouted.
"Mama-mi?" Tsu and Mina spoke at once.
"Nuggies!" Kami chanted. He seemed unfazed by the nickname he had made up on a whim.
"Sure, sweetness." Mina managed to get out. She mouthed the word.

What does it mean?

"Look! Is raining!" Denki waddled towards the window, pressing his face against it.
"Yeah, looks like it'll start storming pretty soon." Tsuyu mentioned. Yet, her words fell on deaf ears. Instead of paying attention, Kaminari was focused on the soft beats of the rain.
"Kami, your nuggets are ready." Mina called out. This made the blonde boy perk up and dash back to his spot on the couch, waiting for said nuggets. He sat in between Tsu and Mina.
"Tank you Mamami!" He smiled before stuffing his face with the nuggets. A movie was already playing on the T.V, Thor, to be exact. Now that his focus was elsewhere, Tsu and Mina could chat without him taking note of what they were talking about.
"Does he seem...younger to you?" Mina whispered.
"Yeah, kero." Tsuyu hummed. "I would ask but I don't want to make him uncomfortable."
"We could ask Shinso." Mina shrugged.
"Yeah, maybe when he gets back-"
"Yo, extras." A new voice entered the atmosphere. The cutest sound left Kaminari's mouth once he saw the source of the voice.
"Onii-san!" He ran towards Bakugo with the brightest smile of the century.
If Tsu and Mina had penny for each of the new things they learned about Kaminari that day...they'd have two pennies.


"What's up, kiddo?" Bakugo picked the smaller blonde.
"I has nuggies!" Denki squealed. "You wan nuggie?"
"I'm not hungry right now, buddy." Bakugo gave him a smile before taking him back to the couch. "Oh hey, Frog and Pinkie."
"Wow Bakugo, didn't know you were familiar with this stuff." Mina flashed a shit-eating grin. "Didn't even know you could take care of yourself, hot damn."
"Oooo!" Kami gasped. "Bad word! Bad word!"
"Oh fiddlesticks." Mina face-palmed. "I'm very sorry."
"She said-"
"Lilypad." Tsuyu tried to intervene the inevitable.
"Kiddo, stop." Bakugo narrowed his eyes, yet he was only ignored.
"Hot damn!" Denki broke a rule. Don't ever curse.
"Wow." Impeccable timing. Shinso was standing at the entrance, just walking into the building. He didn't look pissed, but he wasn't happy. "Glad I caught that."

He wasn't happy in the slightest.

"Ah, Shinso." Tsu cautiously stood up and walked towards the purple haired male. "Calm down, he was just being foolish."
"Foolish my-" Shinso held back any bad words. "Denki, here. Now."

Kaminari whimpered and scurried to his daddy's side. He looked scared, by All-Might, he was shaking.
"Go to your room, I'll be there in a moment." Shinso said, Kaminari scurrying away.
"Hey, sorry for cursing." Mina flagged down the fuming male. "It's my fault, just don't hurt Kami."
"Yeah dude, he's impressionable." Bakugo added, concerned for his friend.
"I'm not going to hurt him." Shinso waved them off. "By the way, Bakugo?"
"Yeah-" He stopped and his face fell into a blank stare. Shinso activated his quirk.
"Told you I would get you back." Shinso walked away, back to Kaminari's room.

In the room, Kaminari was silently sitting on the bed, waiting for Shinso to arrive. He was also buried in the many blankets.
"Baby, come on out." Shinso softened his tone. A blonde mop of hair popped out from the blankets. His eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"'m s-sorry, daddy." Denki whimpered. "I won't ever do it again!"
An empty promise. Shinso knew this all too well, but Denki was truly terrified. The mere thought of spankings terrified him to a higher extent, and Hitoshi knew it had something to do with his parents. So, he never spanked the little unless he did something horrible.
"Don't be scared, baby." Shinso placed a hand on Kaminari's cheek. "You did something bad, but I'm not going to hurt you."
"T-then what you gonna do?" The blonde pouted.
"You're going to bed early today." Kaminari opened his mouth to protest, but decided against it. "Alright?"
"Yes daddy." Kami nodded.
"Now, do you want to go back out there and keep playing?" Hitoshi smiled, receiving a cheeky smile. Denki hopped out of his bed, leaving a mess behind him. That reminded him to release Bakugo's mind from his use.
"Oniichan, I can't play for a long time!" Kaminari mentioned. "And-And I wanna color!"
"That's a great idea." Katsuki looked at Shinso and gave him a quick, grateful smile. Shinso smiled back, watching his baby grab his crayons, coloring book, and his nuggets, and run back towards the table.
"Hey, is everyone coming back soon?" Mina asked. The rest of 1-A had went to the mall, with only Mina, Tsuyu, Bakugo, and Kaminari staying back.
"They'll probably be back soon, kero." Tsuyu noted. "It's going to start storming in a few."
"Stormy?" Kami asked, his tone laced with fear. "The lying?"
"Lightning, sweetie." Shinso corrected.
"I don't like the lighting!" Kaminari whined. No one bothered to correct him, instead comforting him suddenly seemed like the best course of action. Within moments, he was scooped up into Shinso's arms, listening to the coos and calming things said to him.

Just like it was a bad 80's movie, lightning struck and was accompanied by thunder. The lights flickered and Denki whimpered.
"Looks like you guys should back up from him, just a bit." Bakugo warned. He wasn't wrong, there were small sparks flying off of the little. It only happened while he was in his headspace, especially when he was scared. He probably made his bed a minefield of static.

Tsu and Mina inched backwards, along with Bakugo. Shinso stood his ground, willing to risk being electrocuted.
"Hey hey, baby." Shinso placed a calming hand on Kaminari's trembling back. "Calm down, I'm right here. Come on, look at me."
Teary, yellow eyes met purple, calm eyes.
"'s all gonna be okie?" The frequency of electricity leaving Kaminari's body depleted.
"You're going to be fine." Shinso confirmed. "Remember, you're my lightning-bug, so the lightning can't hurt you."

Mina and Bakugo stood in awe, while Tsuyu stood with a sweet smile. Kaminari was suddenly tired as his eyes felt droopy. Shinso took the opportunity to take him to his room so he could take a nap. It was about 4pm.

"Hi everyone!" Uraraka's cheery voice rang across the dorms. Well, it sent alarm through Bakugo, Mina, and Tsuyu, since it could wake Kaminari.
"Shut the..fuck..up extras." Katsuki said, still afraid that Kaminari would hear him.
"It was raining, so we had to hurry home." Kirishima ran from in the crowd and hugged Bakugo.

Meanwhile, Kaminari was still asleep, luckily. Yet, Shinso was still annoyed with all of the noise he heard. But this wasn't his class, so he couldn't force them to do anything. Well, it wasn't his class...yet. He decided to just keep laying with his baby and let him sleep for a bit.

((This chapter was longer than I expected))

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