Other Friends

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"What's wrong with Kaminari, Tsu?" Uraraka said as Tsuyu walked out of Denki's room. "He didn't seem sick."
"Oh he is," Asui stood in front of the door. "he's very, very sick."
"But Yaomomo checked his forehead!" Ochaco protested.
"Ochaco-chan." Tsu said, her tone almost a bit threatening. "Just leave him alone, please."
"Fine." Uraraka pouted, walking back towards the common area.
Asui let out a sigh and went to find snacks for Denki and her. Distracted by her search for snacks, she didn't even notice Mina, Uraraka, and Momo sneak into the sleeping little's room.
"Quiet you guys, he's asleep." Momo shushed them.
"Oh that's it?" Mina huffed. "I thought that they were getting it in!"
"Of course you did." Uraraka giggled. "Should we wake him up, just in case they were doing anything?"
"We could try, I heard that he's a heavy sleeper though." Momo shrugged, walking towards the napping Denki. She lightly shook his shoulder, just barely making the boy shake her hand off. "Kaminari, wake up."
"Mmm..?" The blonde boy hummed.
"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!" Mina yelled, making the boy jolt up, eyes wide.
(Had to add this vid bc im sorry)

"Mina!" Both girls panicked, knowing that Tsuyu heard the pink-skinned girl.
"T-tsu-nee?" Denki whimpered, frightened by the noise that awoke him. "D-daddy?"
"Oh." Momo spoke, leaving her quick train of thought. "Oh."
Denki covered himself with his blanket, hoping that when he came back out, everyone would be gone.
"Kaminari, dear." Momo's motherly voice spoke, making Kami slowly peak his head from under the blanket. "I'm sorry that we scared you, can you come out?"
"What's going on in here, kero?" Tsuyu walked into the room, immediately going over to the bed. "Lilypad, are you ok?"
"L-loud." Denki looked her in the eyes.
"I bet it was, sweetie." Tsuyu, surprisingly, began to stare daggers at the three other females. Tsuyu sat on the bed, letting the boy rest his head on her leg. "Explain, now."
"Well, we thought that you two were fucking." Mina said.
"Language." Asui placed a hand on the confused little's head.
"So, we came to investigate!" Uraraka fiddled with her thumbs.
"And, I'm assuming that Kaminari is a little?" Momo added, drawing a sigh from Tsu.
"And you're his mommy?" Yaomomo questioned.
"N-no, Daddy is my daddy!" Denki pouted.
"Yeah, I'm just his caretaker." Tsuyu hummed. "Isn't that right, Lilypad?"
"Mhm!" Kaminari became more comfortable with the three intruding girls. "Tsu-nee stays here when Daddy is gone!"
"Oh my All-Might, he's so precious." Mina giggled.
"Sweetpea, how old are you?" Uraraka hummed.
"Four years old!" Denki smiled, holding up the numbers on his fingers.
"Is that right?" Yaomomo smiled.
"Yeah, but I'm turning five real soon!" Denki sat up, still wrapped in his blanket.
"So, who's his daddy?" Mina cocked her head.
"Well, I am." A signature voice said from in the door way. Heads turned to reveal Hitoshi, looking more tired than usual.
"Geez, been burning the midnight oil?" Mina snickered.
"Fuck you." Hitoshi said, chuckling a bit.
"Shinso, watch your mouth." Tsuyu pointed to the eager boy beside her.
"Daddy!" The blonde ran to the door, nearly tripping over his self, and encasing his lover in a tight hug."
"Hey Lightning-bug." Hitoshi planted kisses along his forehead. "How are you feeling?"
"Good!" Denki smiled into Hitoshi's chest.
"By the way, your phone is ringing." Uraraka pointed out. "It says 'Mom', want me to answer for you?"
Anxiety seeped through the little's body before frantically shaking his head no.
"Are you sure, sweetpea?" Momo asked. "You shouldn't ignore your mother."
"Give me the phone." Hitoshi said, a bit of anger in his words. Uraraka obliged and gave him the ringing phone. A scowl appeared on Shinso's face before he pressed decline and put Kaminari's phone in his pocket.
"I-is M-mom coming?" Denki whimpered.
"No Lilypad, she's not." Tsuyu exchanged a look with Shinso.
"What's wrong with Kami's mom?" Mina asked Tsuyu, making the other two girls listen closely for answers as well.
"I don't like her, kero." Tsu frowned. "She's so mean to Kami, not very accepting either.
"She sounds bitchy." Mina muttered.
Denki spoke up. "Can we go to Daddy's room now, please?"
"Of course, Baby." Hitoshi smiled. "Guys, do you mind leaving his room? Maybe, if he wants to, you lot can play with him when he gets back."
"Yup, bye Lilypad and Shinso." Tsu waved, ushering the other girls to do the same. The other girls waved goodbye, still a bit confused and giddy.
"Bye bye, Tsu-nee!" Denki waved, being picked up by Shinso.
"He's adorable." Uraraka sighed.
"I swear if any of you dare hurt that pure, precious child," Mina laughed, her voice a bit terrifying. "I will melt your face off."
"Tsuyu, do the others know?" Momo questioned.
"Only me, you guys, and like two people in Class 1-B, kero." Asui hummed, walking out of the room.
"Come on."
The girls followed, closing Kami's door.


"Sup Kendo." Shinso walked into the common room of the Class 1-B dorms.
"Hiya Shinso!" She beamed, looking at him from her seat on the couch.
"Hi Miss Kendall!" Denki smiled, rushing towards her and locking her in a hug.
"Kendo, sweetie." Kendo giggled, correcting the boy. She knew that 'Miss Kendall' had grown to be a nickname, but it couldn't hurt to correct him.
"Where's Moma?" Kami cocked his head sideways.
"Speak of the devil." Hitoshi sighed. "And he may appear."
"Oh hey, Shinso." Monoma, surprisingly calm, walked into the common room. "Who's that on the couch?"
"Moma!" Kami gasped, recieving a smile from the other blonde.
"Hey Sparky!" Monoma walked to the couch, ruffling the little's hair.
"Moma, can we play a game?" Denki hopped out of Kendo's arms. Monoma nodded. The game was, Monoma would copy a random person's quirk, and it would be up to Denki(with Kendo and Monoma's help) to find that person.
So the game commenced, Monoma choosing a few easy people, like Tetsuetetsu or Pony, then moving on to more difficult ones, like Yosetsu or Kosei.
Denki was great at the game, eventually exhausting his self and falling asleep on the couch, in Hitoshi's arms.

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