Chapter One

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I turned it off and got out of bed stretching. I hate waking up so early but it's the price you pay when your Mom's a superhero.

I got ready by putting on some light wash jeans and a white t-shirt with an explosion on it. (shirt visual up top👆🏻) I put on my white converse and went to the bathroom to get fully ready for the day.

I walked out for breakfast and saw my Mom making fruit salad. My favorite which means trouble.

"Hey Mom..." I said walking beside her.

"Hey sweetie I made fruit salad, your favorite." She said smiling suspiciously at me.

"All right, out with it. What's going on?" I said crossing my arms.

"There's trouble. A big space armada which means I might get called in." She said.

"Why can't they just use the others? Like Miracle Guy, can't he do it?" I asked.

"That's the problem. Miracle Guy reported the armada but they knocked him unconscious...this is big. Bigger than just Miracle Guy."

"Okay just be safe. You know how Dad doesn't like me and is scared of me after what I did and I don't think he would want me living with him." I said.

"Daddy!" I yelled getting off the school bus and running to him. I was coming home from my first day of school ever. My first day of 4th grade.

I was home schooled to prevent what happened today from happening but my Dad convinced my Mom to enroll me.

I was so excited I felt my happiness building and then boom energy blasted out of me and he went flying. Everyone surrounded us asking if he was okay.

*time skip to the hospital brought to you by Fast Forward*

I'm outside the door while my parents are talking. Well more like yelling.

"She gave me a concussion and 3 broken bones! How do you expect me to react!" My Dad yelled angrily.

"Not angry! How can you blame her for this! Her Mom has super powers what did you really expect?" My Mom yelled to him.

"I hoped she would be normal like me! And if she did get powers I hoped she wouldn't be a danger to society!"

Mom said nothing. I started crying. She walked out of the room. She saw me crying and hugged me.

"It's not your fault baby. Now come on let's go home." She said picking me up.

I never saw my Dad again after that day. He feared me and hated me. All because of a mistake.
~end of flashback~

She laughed. "Don't worry I will be fine. And you need to stop dwelling on the past." She said handing me my bowl.

We sat down at the island and quickly ate our salads. We put our bowls in the dishwasher and headed out the door.

She drove us to headquarters and she walked me to the underground strong hold.

She grabbed my shoulders and looked at me. "Stay safe today. And stay relaxed. Have Wild Card keep you busy." She said.

"If you stay safe I'll stay calm Mom." (hehe that kinda rhymed)

"I'll see you later honey." She said. We hugged and I walked in the door.

I walked over to the desk Wild Card was at and sat down. "Hey Wild Card." I said.

"Hey Blast. Did you hear about-"

"Miracle Guy? Yeah I heard. This is crazy. They really knocked him out?" I said fishing his sentence.

"Yeah my Dad was with him. He couldn't believe it either."

"Hey Wheels is your Dad feeling any better?" I asked him.

He rolled up to us. "He is regaining his strength. I'm not worried."

"Good then we have nothing to worry about." I said.

Then Guppy came in. She ran towards me. "Hey Guppy." I said holding up my palm for her to punch.

She grunted and punched me and I fell back into Wild Card. "Sorry Wild." I said getting off him. My face resembled a tomato.

Yeah I have a crush on Wild Card. I know so cliché but I mean come on. How can ya not.

"Sorry..." She mumbled.

"It's okay Guppy." I said patting her shoulder.

Once everyone got here we all goofed off enjoying the day. Rewind and Fast Forward told us that their parents got called in.

Their parents rarely get called in because of how unproductive they are in battles cause of their constant fighting. This is bad.

In fact they said everyone got called in which means my Mom is gonna be out there fighting too. This is gonna be big.

"I knew something was gonna be up today." I mumbled.

"Why?" A Capella asked.

"Because my Mom made fruit salad this morning."

"Ohhhhh." Wild Card said in realization. "Yeah." I replied to him.

"What does that mean?" Facemaker asked.

"It's her favorite breakfast food. Her Mom only makes it before she goes on missions to relax her. So she doesn't worry and go..." Said Wild Card making an exploding motion with his hand.

"Are you worried?" Noodles asked backing up a bit.

"Not really. Trust me you guys are safe." I said.

"Yeah I guess we'll have to trust you. Wild Card is the only one who knows what your full blasts look like." Wheels said.

"Trust me if I was really going to blow you would know. It's not a pretty sight." I said shuddering.

We then all continued on with our banter and conversations. Like we would any other day.

Facemaker was playing games with Rewind and he kept turning back time every time he lost

Fast Forward was messing with Rewind as per usual by making time go forward. While A Capella was singing her heart out.

Guppy was making cool shapes out of water. And Noodles was dancing with his arms all stretched out and Ojo was drawing.

Meanwhile Wild Card was next to me trying to use his powers. "Heat vision!" He said. Nothing happened. He groaned.

"It's okay Wild you'll get it one day I just know it."

"Yeah but when! I'm the leader I shouldn't be this powerful yet powerless at the same time!" He said frustrated.

"Not every leader needs super powers Wild. You would do just as good without them." I said patting his back.

"Whatever." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

I looked over and saw Slo-Mo was walking to his seat from the snack bar. Noodles then extended his head to the door.

"Someones coming! Quick pretend to work!" He said.

 We Can Be Heroes (Wild Card x OC)Where stories live. Discover now