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Freddy was pretty curious to why Theodore didn't like children. I mean to Freddy, children are amazing to be around and they tend tell you everything that they find interesting.

Freddy was gonna get to bottom of this.


"Thanks for help." A worker said to another. "No problem, though we might have to get rid of 'The Mangle'. The worker other said, "The thing is starting to get pretty dangerous."

And with that the workers left the building.

"There's no way they're get rid of Mangle, right!?" (Toy Freddy) Theodore exclaimed worryingly. "They wouldn't do that Theo." (Toy Chica) Chi-Chi reassured him.

"B-but you heard what they said. Mangle is becoming dangerous.." Theodore pouted.

(Toy Bonnie) Bon chimed in, "Maybe they're exaggerating. Mangle's probably totally fine." "Well Let's go find her." Chi-Chi said to boys before walking away.

In Kids Cove

"Mangle! Are you in here?" Chi-Chi called out. "O-over here-e." Mangle sputtered out, her voice box chipping in and out.

The three ran over to the broken down fox. Her damage was getting worse. Theodore immediately ran to her.

"What did those brats do to you?" He said obviously angry. "I d-don't r-really know-w." Mangle said, "I-i p-powered off-f before-e t-t-they d-d-did anything-g." Theodore just hugged his friend.

"We kinda heard from two workers that...they might get rid of you.." Bon said. "W-w-what!?" Mangle sputtered out. "But we won't let that happen. Okay!" Chi-Chi said reassuringly with Bon and Theodore agreeing. "T-t-thanks g-guys." Mangle smiled.

"O-oh I n-need to o-open the door-r for t-the Originals." Mangle said trying to get up. "Whoa, whoa. You don't need to think about them at the moment." Theodore said sitting her back down. "Right, they don't matter. You need to relax for a while." Chi-Chi added. "O-okay..." Mangle complied.

The three soon leave Mangle to rest.

"Are going leave the Originals locked up the Parts and Service?" Bon asked. "Obviously, one night without them would be good." Chi-Chi said and Theodore nodded. "I guess so." Bon said.

"Oh really, like we're really gonna stay in there." The three Toys heard from behind. Freddy was standing there.

"How did-" Bon started. "The door wasn't locked." Freddy replied, "Now I'll be taking you leader for a minute." Freddy said grabbing Theodore's hand. Theodore cheeks starting to glow as Freddy dragged him away.

Ignorant (Freddy x Toy Freddy Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now