Chapter 1

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Nicki was in her car making her way to work. Today just seemed to be one of those days that time wasn’t on her side, but her day wouldn’t be started properly if she didn’t get her morning coffee. At the moment she was stuck in traffic and she knew if she didn’t get moving soon that she would be late to work. She looked in the rear-view mirror and bit her lip before deciding to take let turn and go to a different café.

She made her way to one that she knew would have many people in it. She knew of the place because she used to live in the area when she was younger, but as soon as she became a lawyer she moved straight out, due to the locations bad reputation.

She parked her white range in the parking lot before stepping out. She made sure to lock her car due to the small group of young men stood only a few metres away. You could say she was being a bit stereotypical, but the fact that they were dressed in baggy jeans and dark hoodies didn’t make it any easier for her to see them any other way. She walked into the café and ignored the many remarks that were being made by the group. She was greeted with a few unpleasant looks as she walked in and she guessed that it was to do with the fact that she had turned up with the latest model of Range Rover and dressed smartly in a fitted back suit. She ignored all of them and just got what she wanted before leaving. When she got outside she found one of the boys checking out her car. She guessed his name was Drake due to the many remarks he had being shouted at him.

Drake: Damn Ma, nice ride you got here

Nicki: Thank you, but I’d appreciate if you didn’t drool over my car

Drake: feisty. I was just looking. I wasn’t causing any trouble

Nicki: I established that

She went to get into her car, but was stopped by him holding her door closed.

Drake: Can I maybe get your number

Nicki: Can you maybe get out of my way. I’m already late to work and I have a meeting in the next 20 minutes. Now if you don’t  mind may you please get off of my car? Some of us have places to be unlike you

He threw his hands up in defeat and moved away from the car. She got in and put her coffee on the drinks stand before putting on her seatbelt and driving away. He watched her until he couldn’t see her anymore. The guys then came up behind him to see what had transpired.

Jahron: How’d it go?

Drake: I think I just caught her on a bad day. She seems like a nice person

They all ‘booed’ a pushed him around which caused him to laugh.


Nicki walked into the building of offices. She normally took the stairs but today she really didn’t have the time. She waited for the lift and made her way to the top floor. As the doors opened she was met by Carlos, who was one of her co-workers.

Carlos: Nic, what’s good?

Nicki: Not today Carlos, I’m late as it is and right now I really need to get to this meeting

Carlos: Okay, want me to take them to your office.

Nicki: It’s fine I need to get something anyway.

She continued on to her office as he just stood back and watched her. Carlos was married and had 2 kids, but had a really good rapport with Nicki as they had both started working as Lawyers around the same time and had always been in the same boat.

She picked up the documents that she needed before heading to her meeting with her coffee in hand. She made sure to read over her notes so she knew what points she had to make during the meeting.

Drake walked into his condo which was fairly impressive for someone who had only finished University a year ago. He had gotten a degree in architecture, but had never really take it on to become something. Instead he managed to get himself in trouble with the law and hang out with the same group of people that he had done when he was in high school. He had derived from a very rich family therefore always had a back up plan if his didn’t work out the way he wanted it to. They had never really approved of the people he hung out with, but he didn’t really care. He had been friends with them since he started high school and he wasn’t going to stop now.

He went and got into the shower as he had a meeting with his lawyer regarding the latest trouble he had gotten himself into, so he had to get himself ready and make sure he looked presentable so that he took him seriously. He didn’t like getting himself in trouble, but he knew that if he didn’t take the blame at some points, he would most likely end up in a lot more trouble when things got serious.


Nicki was making her way to her office with her documents in hands. She wasn’t really looking where she was going as she read over one of the new cases she had been given; this lead to her bumping into someone and all of the documents ending up on the floor.

Both: sorry

Nicki: No it’s my fault I should’ve been looking when I was going

She couldn’t quite see the young man’s face as he picked up all the paper for her. He stood back up and passed them over to her. His face looked fairly familiar to her but she couldn’t quite work out where from. He gave her a small smile as she took her documents from him.

Drake: twice in one day, eh. Aren’t I lucky?

He definitely didn’t look like the same person. Now he was out of the baggy clothing he looked much more welcoming than he had done before. He was dressed in a sleek navy blue, fitted suit with a white shirt, smart shoes and a black skinny tie. The once scruffy beard now made him look much older and sophisticated.

Carlos: Causing you trouble is he Nicki

Nicki: not at all

Drake: I think we got off to the wrong start, let’s try again. I’m Aubrey

He reached out his hand and she gladly shook it.

Nicki: Nicki.

Drake: Nice to meet you. I guess I’ll see you around

Nicki: I guess so

She took one last glance at him before leaving the scene and heading to her office to busy herself with some work.

Carlos: You’re reaching for the stars my boy. Nicki, not gonna happen

Drake: We’ll see about that…


A new story by Brandi and I, so let us know what you think about it and leave some comments for both of us, and the new chapter will be with you as soon as we get some feedback.

Much Appreciated

_PaintedPyramids & TheGreatestToDoIt

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