Ch. 1 - Discovery

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Rainbow Dash and her friends were walking together to the café. They've just came from school and scheduled a hangout. They entered the café, ordered their beverages, paid for them, and went to sit at one of the tables.

"So, how was everyone's day?" asked Sunset after she sat down.

"Eh, it was alright," responded Dash as she was scrolling on her phone, checking her texts.

"It was great," Twilight chimed in.

Everyone then began talking about school and homework. Twilight, on the other hand, was doing her usual freak outs about school. Applejack then changed the subject, and began talking about her sales on apples. As the others continued talking, a small swirl of magic swirled its way in. It seemed to have a combination of colors black and grey, mostly black. Without anyone noticing, the magic continued to swirl around, swirled under the table the girls were at, and went into one of the girls' geodes. Turns out it went into Rainbow's geode. 'Huh?' thought Dash. She then felt some sort of feeling, but she can't make out what it was.

"Hey, did anyone feel whatever that was?" she randomly asked.

Everyone exchanged glances from one another. They don't know what Rainbow was talking about. A few moments of an awkward silence, Applejack was the one who broke it.

"Uhhh, What do ya mean, Dash?" asked a certain Applejack.

"Oh, um, never mind, I just thought... y'know, just continue what you guys were talking about," Dash mumbled.

"Is everything okay, Rainbow Dash?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah, everything's fine... just tired," Rainbow sighed.

"Alright.... So, does anyone want to hear a story about how I accidentally added salt instead of sugar on one of my apple pies?" Applejack asked the others, then continued.

Rainbow Dash tried to carry on with the conversation, but she couldn't get that feeling she had out of her head. 'Am I sick?' thought Dash. 'You're not sick, Dash. You went to school feeling awesome' she thought again. But, what was it bothering her? She decided it was just because she was tired. She got up and slammed the table to grab her friend's attention. All her friends got startled and turned to her with confused looks on their faces.

"Uhh... sorry about that..." Dash hesitated, "I need to go, I'm feeling a bit... y'know..."

"It's alright, darling," smiled Rarity, "we all know you love to sleep,"

"I guess we'll see you tomorrow," Twilight concluded.

"Yeah... ummm... bye!" Dash yelled and ran out of the café leaving her friends with confused looks on their faces.

"What was that all about?" asked Pinkie as she was making bubbles from her straw.

"Eh, I don't know... seems weird," stated Sunset.

"Typical," Twilight commented.

"Well, that's Rainbow for ya," chuckled Applejack.

Everyone continued their conversations in the café. Rainbow Dash was running fast until she reached her house. She lived alone in an apartment. She walked to her apartment and went inside. She sighed as she closed the door behind her and head to her room. She got out her phone to see if she missed any of her texts.

Applejack: Hey, Dash! You alright? You seem in a hurry earlier. I was just checking if you're alright.

Fluttershy: Is everything alright, Dashie? The girls and I are worried.

Rainbow Dash responded with, 'Yeah, I'm cool' and placed her phone on her nightstand. She decided she wanted to take a shower, so she headed towards her bathroom. When she entered, she saw that a black mist appeared on the mirror, surrounding her. Dash panicked and turn around. It disappeared.

"W-who's there?!" Dash panicked, "show yourself!"

'Well, well, well. You seem familiar,' spoke a voice out of nowhere

"What are you and what do you want from me?!" Dash yelled frightened.

'You seem to be your other counterpart in this world. Well, this oughta be good,' the voice spoke again.

"What are you talking about?!" Dash still frightened, placed her back against the wall not knowing what to do.

'Oh... I'm a creature that's been banished from Equestria moons ago. I was sent here, and it seems that I can come here and rule this pathetic world,' it sneered.

The black mist then appeared. Dash screamed. The mist surrounded her.

"Get away! Now! I need my friends!" She hollered.

'Now, now. I don't think so. Your friends will never be able to help you. They won't believe you,' it snarled as it swirled around her body.

"You don't know that for sure! With my friends with me, we will defeat you!" Dash growled, "you never said what your name was!"

'Oh, how rude of me. I'm the Pony of Shadows. I was banished from Equestria by the pillars and the elements of harmony. I still remember you, you look just like one of the elements that have defeated me. But now I encountered you, we're gonna have fun with each other...' it began to cackle.

"What?! Well, we'll banish you for sure, with my friends-" Dash got interrupted.

'Oh, I don't think so... good luck... we'll see each other soon' it began to laugh maniacally and quickly vanished.

"Oh, no! I need to warm the other lady as soon as possible!" Dash panted, still frightened.

Tomorrow awaits.

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