Ch. 3 - Argument

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It was about the end of lunch when Applejack went inside the bathroom. She and the others were looking for Rainbow Dash, who ditched them during lunch.

"Rainbow Dash? You in here?" Applejack called out.

"What do you want?" Rainbow asked coolly.

"Look, Dash, I know you've had a hard day today, but to be honest, there isn't any Equestrian magic," Applejack concluded.

"How do you know that for sure? I'm the one who has seen it with their own eyes," Rainbow said flatly as she walked out the stall she was inside of.

'So sad... none of her friends believe her. Not even her best friend. How devastating...' the voice snickered as it the mist appeared around Dash.

Unfortunately, Dash is the only one who can see it.

"Would you just shut up?! This is all your fault!" Dash demanded the mist that surrounds her.

"Dash! What has gotten into you?!" Applejack began to shout, "Ah came here lookin' for you to see if you're ok, and now you're saying this is all mah fault?!"

"What?! No! I was talking to this dark mist thingy that's all over me!" Dash yelled back.

'They can't see me... you're the only one who can, Rainbow Dash.' the voiced sneered.

"Liar! Stop messing with me!" Dash fumed at the voice in the mist.

Applejack has had enough.

"Oh, so now you're callin' me a liar?!" questioned Applejack who was now angry, "just drop it! You're the liar here! Now, will ya excuse me?! Ah got to head to class, and Ah s'pose ya do the same!"

Applejack then stormed out of the bathroom, leaving behind a puzzled Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was devastated, not even her own best friend believes her. 'What if it's only my imagination?' she asked herself, holding back the hot tears that were starting to flood in her eyes. She looked at herself in the mirror, she could see the mist, surrounding her. She then saw dark, fiery wings appear behind her. Shocked, she turn around and saw nothing behind her. She panicked.

'Poor, poor thing...' the voice soon spoke

"Shut up, idiot!" she cursed at the voice.

'It's sad how no one believes you...' it responded with a laugh.

"What did you say your name was again?" Rainbow asked with venom in her voice.

'Oh, didn't I tell you?' it asked evilly.

"Uh, yeah. I forgot what it was," Dash replied.

'That's too bad. I'm afraid I can't tell you. I told you once, but I'm not saying what it is again' the voice sneered.

"What... do you mean?" asked a now slightly-frighten Dash.

'To avoid you and your pathetic friends trying to stop me, of course. I'm only in your imagination, Dash. No one can stop me, not even you.' the voice began to laugh manically.

Then, the mist disappeared. Rainbow Dash then broke into tears. 'What am I gonna do?' she asked herself. 'No one believes me, not even my own friends.' She sighed, wiped her tears, and head to class. She knew she was late, class started ten minutes ago, but she didn't really care. All she cares right now is that her world is in danger.

It was the end of school, and Rainbow Dash wasn't with her friends at the time. She was seen walking out CHS with a worried look on her face. She had to tell her friends, even if they don't believe her. She had to warn them. Luckily, she saw them not far behind her. 'Ok, Rainbow Dash, here goes nothing, again' she thought as she turned around and walk towards them.

"Oh, hey Rainbow Dash," said Fluttershy as she stopped along with the others

"Is everything alright, darling?" asked Rarity.

"Is your brain working? You seem to be crazy, like real crazy lately," Pinkie blurted.

"So... what's happening?" asked Sunset.

"Uh..." was all Dash can say.

'Just tell them, Dash!' she thought to herself.

"We're in danger. Equestrian magic is on the loose, and we're the only ones that can stop it. I know you might not believe me, but I'm the only one who can see it. I can see it... it's around here... and-" Dash rambled until she was cut off by Twilight.

"Have you not listened to us?!" she asked, annoyed, "for the last time, there isn't any Equestrian magic!"

"Yes, there is!" Dash yelled.

"No, there isn't! Just stop looking for trouble like you always do!" Twilight yelled back, "just stop this already!"

The others were watching them argue, not knowing what to do.

"I'm not! I'm serious! There's evil magic around here and we've got to stop it until it destroys our world! I thought you guys agreed that if there is any Equestrian magic lurking around, we would fix it," Dash said, looking like she was about to cry.

"Well, yes, but is there any? I'm tired of this..." Twilight complained.

"Yes, there is I-" Dash was rudely interrupted by an outburst.

"No, there isn't! Can't you see you're just wasting our time, saying all this kind of stuff?! Do you even know what you're saying?!!" yelled Sunset.

"I do! It's just that-" Dash was interrupted again.

"No! You don't! You've been so obsessed with finding Equestrian magic, that we're all tired of it. We're tired of you! We are so sick and tired of you thinking so highly of yourself!! Why can't you change?!! There is no magic!! No magic! So I think it's best if you just leaves us all alone, and just leave! 'Cause it's so annoying if you getting in our way to make things only go worse!!" Sunset cursed.

Realizing what she just said, she then was speechless the next minute. All her friends looked at her with shocked looks on their faces. Rainbow Dash was standing there with a hurt look on her face.

"If that's what you think... then I guess I'll just... leave you all alone so you'll be happy... without me ruining everything for you... I'm sorry... I..." Dash stuttered, then ran away in tears.

"Rainbow Dash, wait! I didn't mean to!" Sunset called back, but was too late, "I'm sorry..."

All her friends comforted her by giving her a hug. There was a pregnant silence between the girls. Sunset was about to go after her, but was stopped by a hand that grabbed her arm.

"Let her go. She needs time to think," said Applejack as she let go of Sunset's arm.

The others agreed and then started to walk away from the school, not knowing what happened. Silence filled the air.

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