Ch. 6 - Complete Corruption

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'You don't need them...' the voice said. 'They aren't worthy of anything!'

'They are pathetic! You deserve more better!'

'Loyalty is DEAD! Loyalty is gone! All you need is . . . betrayal!'

'You don't need friends; they can't help you; they don't believe you!'

'You don't even trust them . . . '

'Only you can see and hear me!'

'I'm only your imagination!'

'And I'll soon control you to destroy this pathetic world to get to Equestria!'


'Give up!'

The voices repeated in Rainbow Dash's head. Rainbow Dash was pacing in her room gripping her hands on her head, trying to ignore the voice that she keeps on hearing. 'I will not give in!' she thought. 'They are my friends! So what if they don't believe me? I'll never abandon them, never!' The black mist appeared out of nowhere, surrounding Dash in its darkness. Soon, white glowing eyes suddenly appeared snapping Dash out of her thoughts.

"Ahhh!" Rainbow screamed. "W-what are you t-trying to do?!"

'Oh, Dash . . . I'm just showing you who I truly am' the voice chuckled. 'How dark I am!' it then started to laugh maniacally.

"It's all your fault my friends are against me!" Rainbow accused.

'Is it?' the voice sneered.

"You got me into this mess," Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes.

'Remember how I was banished from Equestria moons ago?' the voice asked.

Dash nodded.

'I still have enough magic to take control of you, use you, and destroy this world to get back to Equestria and make Twilight and her pathetic friends pay for what they did!' the voice roared.

"No! I will never let that happen!" Dash disagreed. "Not on my watch! You can't control me!"

'We'll see about that!' the voice sneered as it started to laugh maniacally.

Soon the mist circled around Rainbow Dash, creating a swirl around her. The mist continued to swirl around her; fast. Rainbow Dash was freaking out.

"What's happening?!" she yelled.

'Something I should've done in the beginning!' the voice snarled.

As the mist continued to circle around her, glowing eyes then appeared. Rainbow Dash screamed. Then, there was a flash. Rainbow Dash collapsed, the mist disappeared, the voices were no longer in her head, but her geode was black.

It's been a few days since the girls had seen Rainbow Dash. They've all been worried for their friend. It's been tough for the girls without her. The past events were out of character of her, but they seemed like she was just looking for attention. They were walking to school together in utter silence. 'Ah really hope nothin' bad happened to 'er' Applejack thought as she was desperate for looking for her. As they reached the school, they separated, finally spoke to each other by saying goodbye, then left to go to their classes.

Sunset was sitting in her desk in her class. She was into deep thinking. She was in advance physics with Twilight, who was sitting next to her. Their class was getting ready for a pop quiz on Friday. Sunset was barely paying attention in class, being distracted by the incident that happened a few days ago. 'Something just doesn't feel right' she thought. 'Was Rainbow Dash really telling the truth? Why didn't she want me to use my powers on her? Why was there a force field? Since when did she had that kind of magic? Why was her geode darkened all of a sudden?' then a hand slammed in front of Sunset, causing her to snap back to reality. The teacher was standing by her desk with a stern look on her face.

"Miss. Shimmer," the teacher started. "Have you been paying attention?"

"Uhh . . . , " was all Sunset could say.

"I thought so," the teacher continued. "You'll be staying after school, in detention, working on this worksheet, no exceptions."

"Yes, ma'am," sighed Sunset.

'Great' she thought.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. Except, they weren't magenta anymore, they were a dark red color. She then stood up, looked at herself in the mirror, shattered it by holding her hand up high, creating a fist (by magic), laughed, and walked away.

'This is gonna be fun! What's the point of friends when you can have anything in the world, especially magic' she thought as she started to laugh maniacally.

"No one can stop me," Dash sneered. "Not even my so-called friends can save me!"

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