Ch. 2 - Disbelief

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On the next day of school, Rainbow Dash rushed out of her apartment, and ran towards to the school to look her friends. When she spotted them, she quickly rushed towards them yelling at them.

"Guys! There's Equestrian magic here! We need to stop it!" yelled Dash.

Her friends exchanged looks with each other. Then Sunset spoke up.

"Really? Look, Dash, we've been through this. Have you not learned your lesson?" Sunset said, annoyed.

"Yes! But there is Equestrian magic! The umm.... what was his name again..." Dash hesitated, "whatever it is, it came to me and said that they'll destroy this world!"

"Oh, really? If you don't know what their name is, how could it be Equestrian magic?" asked an annoyed Twilight.

"Well, umm... I forgot, but they said that they were banished from Equestria and made their way here in our world?" exclaimed Dash.

None of her friends were convinced. Applejack rolled her eyes, Pinkie did a fake cough, Fluttershy and Rarity had an annoyed expression on there faces, and Twilight and Sunset seem unamused on what's going on. Then, a swirl of magic appeared behind them. Dash looked like she had just seen a ghost. She pointed at the mist and yelled.

"It's right there!" yelled Dash as she was pointing at the mist.

Her friends turned around and saw nothing. They looked back at Rainbow Dash with now mad and annoyed expressions on their faces.

"Don't you guys see?!" Dash shouted.

"Say, what?" Pinkie asked confused.

"What is she talking about?" Rarity asked Fluttershy.

All her friends were confused and were talking among each other.

"We saw nothing. Are you okay, Rainbow Dash? Did you hit your head or something?" Twilight asked coldly.

The mist showed a face that had a smirk on it. It began to cackle.

"It's right there!" Dash shouted as she pointed at the mist she saw behind them.

"Look, Dash. We don't wanna be late for class, so Ah s'pose you drop this already. Come on girls, let's go," Applejack said flatly as she and the others began to walk away.

"B-but..." was all Dash could say.

'Looks like they don't believe you. Good luck with that. Time is running out, and it'll be your fault!' the voice snarled and laugh hysterically; then it disappeared.

"I..." Dash stuttered, "no..."

Dash sighed and walk towards class with a deflated look on her face. She was disappointed. Her friends didn't believe her. 'What if I'm just imagining things and there's no Equestrian magic?' she thought to herself as she was walking towards her class. 'My friends are right, there isn't any Equestrian magic'. Dash went inside her class and sat down next to Applejack avoiding making contact with her.

"Alright, class, let's get started," the teacher said after the bell rang.

The teacher was talking about ancient history. Dash didn't care, she was too distracted to pay attention in class. 'What if whatever that was isn't real?' she began to think. 'What if I need to see a doctor to get my head check? Have I been taking drugs? Or, am I too obsessed with finding Equestrian magic? Yup, that's it. I'm just too obsessed,' her thoughts were interrupted when her teacher had been calling her for five minutes.

"Rainbow Dash?" called the teacher.

"U-uh, yes??" Dash responded.

"Are you okay? You seem distracted lately? Are you sick?" asked the concerned teacher.

"What? No, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I'll pay attention next time," Dash almost hesitated to say.

"Alright, so class..." continued the teacher.

Dash let herself get distracted by her thoughts again.

After a few hours, it was lunch time. The girls' were sitting altogether in their usual spot in the cafeteria. Sunset realizes that Rainbow Dash hasn't yet eaten her food and looked distracted.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash?" Sunset asked bringing all attention to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was so lost in her thoughts, she doesn't realize that Sunset called her and that the whole table was looking at her. Applejack, who was sitting next to her, nudged her with her elbow.

"Huh, what happen?" asked a confused Dash.

"Are you okay?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah, totally," answered Dash.

"Look, if this is about earlier, I'm sorry. But there isn't any Equestrian magic right now," Sunset said matter of factly.

Dash was starting to get angry.

"Yes, there is!" Dash raised her voice as she got up.

"No there isn't! Why can't you see that there's no Equestrian magic that has entered into our world?!" Sunset also raised her voice and got up, standing face-to-face with Rainbow.

"Well, there is! Fine! If you all don't believe me! Go ahead, 'cause I'll prove to you that there is!" yelled Dash as she stormed away from the table and away from the cafeteria.

The table realized that the whole cafeteria was looking at them, not knowing what was happening. All Rainbow's friends were annoyed and shocked.

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