Ch. 4 - Finding Dash (idk what to name it)

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It was the next day at school, Sunset and her friends were sitting at their table where they usually sat. It was quiet at the table; normally, they would be talking. Rarity noticed that Sunset hasn't yet touched her food, and was just playing with it with her fork. Rarity then broke the silence.

"Darling, is everything alright?" asked a concerned Rarity.

"I don't know," sighed Sunset, "what if she's right?" questioned Sunset.

"Who's right?" Twilight chimed in.

"Rainbow Dash..." Sunset mentioned, "what if there is Equestrian magic?"

Everyone looked at Sunset.

"I mean, if only I'd touched her the first place, I could see what happened to see if she really is telling the truth," Sunset said matter of factly.

Everyone felt guilty.

Rainbow Dash didn't come to school today, so there was only six of them sitting at their lunch table. There was a pregnant silence among the girls. 'If only I see what's going on in her mind, we would know if she is telling the truth,' thought Sunset. She felt guilty yelling at her yesterday after school. 'I should've never said that to her,' Sunset thought as she remembered yesterday's incident with Rainbow. A few quiet moments passed, Applejack as the one who spoke.

"Sunset..." Applejack started, "How 'bout you and Ah go to Dash's after school to see if she's okay?"

"I can come along if you want," Twilight chimed in.

"Alright," answered Sunset, "plus, I really need to apologize and make up with her."

"Alright, meet me by the statue after school," Applejack informed them.

Rainbow Dash was sitting, hunched down and her head in between her legs. It looked like she has been crying ever since the argument with Sunset. 'Why does this have to happen to me?' she asked herself as tears fall from her face. 'Why do I always look for trouble? Why can't I just... not be a troublemaker?' Rainbow Dash thought as she decided to get up, head towards her dresser, and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair is messed up, there were bags under eyes, and her eyes were bloodshot from crying. What she didn't notice is that her geode became darker and losing its shine.

'Aww, how sad...' a voice said as the mist appeared in the mirror.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Dash roared at the mist.

'Is it? You're the one who was obsessed with magic, not to mention wanting to attract attention. You're such a attention seeker, none even your friends would trust you' it said coldly.

"JUST SHUT UP!!" Dash yelled as she punched her mirror.

The mirror shattered, leaving Dash with many cuts in her hand. Rainbow Dash didn't mind the pain it gave her, she felt happy.

'I'm only your imagination, kid. Only you can see me, only you can hear me, only you can feel and fear me. Your friends don't believe you. Your friends don't need you...' the voice sneered and began to laugh maniacally and then disappeared.

Rainbow Dash was frightened. She fell against the wall, hugging herself in fear. The voices repeating in her head, 'your friends don't need you... your friends don't believe you. You don't need them... pathetic.' She then sobbed quietly in fear.

A couple hours passed and it was the end of school. Applejack was waiting for Sunset and Twilight to arrive. After a few minutes passed, she spotted them running towards her.

"Sorry we were late, I was in the restroom," Twilight panted.

"I had to wait for her," added Sunset.

"Alright, let's go," decided Applejack.

All three decided to ride in Applejack's truck to get there faster since Rainbow Dash lives fifteen minutes from the school. Sunset was gazing out the window with a guilty look on her face. 'This is all my fault...' thought Sunset. 'I'm the reason why magic's here in the first place.' Twilight noticed and asked to see if she was alright.

"You okay, Sunset?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah..." sighed Sunset, "hey, AJ, are we almost there?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"Mhm, just a few minutes, alright?" said Applejack.

"I'm sure she'll forgive you, she's your friend," reassured Twilight.

"Thanks," Sunset smiled, "I just hope I didn't hurt her so much that she didn't show up at school today."

"Ah'm sure she's fine," Applejack chimed in, "she's strong, I'm sure she'll forgive you, she just needs time."

The others chatted until they reached a building where Rainbow Dash's apartment is. They got out the car, and started to head to the stairs and walk up until they reached the third floor where her room is. As they reached the room, Applejack hesitantly knocked on the door. There was no response, so Applejack knocked the door harder, but not too hard that she breaks through it. There was still no response, so Applejack started to yell.

"Hey, Dash!" Applejack called, "it's me, Applejack, Sunset, and Twilight!"

"We wanted to see if you were okay," added Twilight.

"I'm sorry, Rainbow," apologized Sunset, "I didn't mean to lose my temper on you; just let us in, please?"

The door opened a little. Then a voice spoke.

"Come in..." Rainbow Dash, who was behind the door, said flatly.

The three friends stood there in front of the doorway with blank looks on their faces.

"Are you guys gonna come in, or what?!" Dash asked rudely; getting annoyed.

"Oh, umm, yeah, sorry 'bout that," Applejack stuttered as she and the others finally went inside. Dash rolled her eyes, then closed the door behind her. She looked down at her darkened geode and smiled. 'They don't know what's coming...' she thought.

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