Chapter 9: Blood for the beast

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Lighting struck through the sky, the wind and thunder rumbling overhead as America raced through the forest, trying his best to follow the trail of the beast he had seen.

Footsteps and marks were still visible in the mud, but the rain was already beginning to drown them out, the mud almost starting to slide and swirl around over the remaining tracks. But America continued to try his best to follow them, the brim of his hat shielding his face a little from the pouring rain.
He squinted his eyes, running and doing his best to keep his footsteps hard and heavy in the attempt to avoid slipping and making a mess of his uniform. After all, he liked this outfit a lot, especially the colours- not that it really mattered in the moment.

As he made his way through the thick brush, the rain began to get heavier, and America focused on the sounds that echoed through the forest, trying to pick up any sort of cry or something out of the ordinary.
And that's exactly what he heard.

Screaming in the distance. Full of pain and terror and so many other things America couldn't dare to name.
But all he knew, was that death was exactly where he was headed.

The pine trees began to grow heavier and America started to push through the low branches of trees and tall shrubs that grew around in the forest, shivering at the cold remains of snow and icy rain that soaked his hands.
He had never grown used to the cold, especially the low temperatures of Russia's territory. Back at his old home in the calmer forest, temperatures always seemed to stay constant, hardly ever getting too hot or cold apart from the odd silent frosts that would leave America shivering in the morning whenever he went out for a hunt.
But this place seemed almost deathly cold and America couldn't understand how Russia and his family were even able to put up with the variety of low temperatures that swept across their land.

America gritted his teeth, shoving himself through a cluster of branches that blocked his way, stopping and looking around.
He listened closely, closing his eyes to focus.

Another cry of pain and America leapt into a sprint after the sound which began to grow louder with every passing second and step.
Rocks began to stick out of the ground, wet with rain. Bearberry clumps began to appear, growing amongst the thorns and heather America ran by, their red berries almost glowing in the low light of the boreal forest.

All the sounds around him began to get louder and louder except the rain which almost started to become inaudible to the young country. He pushed himself up a small slope, having to grip onto a few rocks to pull himself up, heading towards the screaming.
And as he scrambled up through the mud and rocks, the cries and shrieks of pain began to get quieter, weaker, and America pushed himself as hard as he could until he fell over the top of the hill, wincing as he landed on his hands. Mud splattered across his cheeks and the cuffs of his uniform, his cloak a little ruined, splotches and bits of dirt stuck to the rich fabric.

He hissed a little but soon pushed himself back up, stumbling and squinting his eyes as he approached a load of thick shrubs and brambles.
There were a few thuds and rustling of leaves and what America presumed was fabric, and then two heavier thuds which sent chills down his spine, causing him to swallow hard and contemplate his decisions.

Reaching out he grabbed a clump of leaves, moving them out of the way so that he could peek through to see what was happening beyond.
He squinted a little, small streams of rain running down his face and uniform before he flinched at the sight.

Blood was... everywhere.
Multiple crossbows, daggers and a few swords discarded in the mud, splattered with crimson as they alongside the few bodies of what America assumed were soldiers. Wounds had been raked across their bodies and America almost gagged and hurled when he caught sight of a dead soldier who had a mutilated eye.
It was hard for him to keep down his breakfast and he slowly stepped over the large shrubs before freezing, clapping a hand over his mouth roughly as he watched as a large bushy tail waved about to his right, and he only just somehow noticed the massive monster he had seen mere minutes ago.

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