Chapter 2: Strangers

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America didn't know what to do, all he could do was gaze up at the werewolf, frozen in place as he clutched his bleeding arm. He had dropped his dagger somewhere without even realizing, now defenceless against this creature.

It narrowed its golden eyes, blood still dripping from one of its claws. It wore a weird winter hat, a dark sweater, pants and boots as if it was trying to be something it could never be- a normal mortal. It stepped closer, tail swaying behind it, causing America to recoil, digging his fingers into his arm.
"I said. Who are you." The werewolf snarled slightly, clearly pissed, baring his elongated canines threateningly as he loomed over the helpless country who was just trying not to sob out loud, attempting to avoid the pain and overwhelming fear that coursed through his body.

He didn't know what to say, sure it was an easy question but he still struggled to form even a few simple words. "A-America..."The name came out stuttered and trembling, almost choking-

The werewolf stared for a bit before his gaze landed on the wound America was grasping tightly with a shaky hand. "And what are you doing in my territory," the last word came out rougher than he expected, not that he really cared.
America gulped, his body near stiff. He had no idea he had run straight into seriously dangerous territory, "I-I'm s-so sorry!! I-I was chasing a deer and..."He trailed away as he fumbled with his words before slowly getting up by pushing himself up the rock behind him, wincing slightly with every movement. After all, that running, his legs ached and his ankle had been twisted as a result of tripping...
"I-I'll l-eave straight away!"

"Oh no, you won't."

The werewolf marched up to America, seizing his left arm with a bloodied claw. "I don't want your stupid corpse laying around in my forest. You think you can walk away from me just like that? Well, you're wrong," a growl rumbled in the back of his throat.
"Everything in these forests. In my territory. Belongs to me. And so do you now that you're here."

America's eyes widened and he immediately started to try and pull away from the grip, "you can't do that!? You can't just own me like some object!?" The yells came out less brave than he expected, full of terror and fear. Tears were pouring at this point, cheeks slightly flushed. Even the beast could hear the smaller country's heartbeat racing.

He gritted his teeth and pulled up his arm, yanking America up into the air easily who let out a yelp of surprise, kicking his legs and thrashing.
"Stop it," he snapped. "You want to misbehave? Fine then, I'll happily kill you." His eyes glowed darker and America stared into them, knowing full well that this beast had murdered previously...

Many times...
Following his words, America gave up on his pathetic attempts to escape, sniffling as he gazed down at the ground, blood now flowing freely down his arm, a small puddle forming.
"Good." A grumble before America yelped, being picked up, the stranger's arms tucked under him. Pain shot through him again and America gritted his teeth hard, trying not to curl up or look into the werewolf's eyes, terrified of angering him.
Although, he was still curious and glanced a little, inspecting him.
The guy was pretty tall, way over 6 feet and had a flag consisting of a red, blue and white stripe. Scars covered the bottom of his left cheek and America could only try and imagine what sort of bloody scene it had been obtained in...

The werewolf glanced around and sighed, turning and walking off deeper into the forest.
It started to get darker and darker, shrubs and trees becoming heavier and denser.
Due to his tall height, he had to duck multiple times to avoid the low hanging canopy of trees and vines.
The leaves and branches were incredibly dull unlike the old forest America was so familiar to... At least there were a few white flowers here and there as well as some marigolds which grew low, latching and thriving between rocks and crevices along with moss and ferns.

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