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Can we get a short detail on what u look like if u haven't done a face reveal. (raloprye)

I have brown hair, that's curly and greyish blue eyes. And I'm like 5'9 i think? :P

What is your favourite DNF book and how do you stay motivated? (Adoxo_)

My favourite dnf book is probably forget me not my seoulmew, I've read that book probably the most of any dnf book hehe.

And motivation, I suck at staying motivated with A LOT of things and i lose motivation really easily. Uh, one thing is that knowing that people actually enjoy what i'm writing and all the nice and funny comments really helps out yk? It just feels nice to create something that others enjoy :)

Favourite Fandom books (i_dont_know_ugg)

Uhh there's a lot lmao

DNF - Perception by Owl1245, Begonias by Blythe Sky, uncontrollable by SoftForDream, Reality by Minylikeskitkats, flower boy by vinnieley, Comfort by SonnaBuvelle534 and there was one where george travelled to America, but got quarantined there, I can't remember the title of the book or the author, and one where they're at a school wilderness camp thing, once again can't remember the title or author

Skephalo - Guardian Angel by shelbyfanfics, 14 hours by Slusheeplz, the breakup by shelbyfanfics, Replay by Owl1245 and A World of Color by Skepperoni Pizza

What ships I like (zthetallpansexual)

ngl skephalo is my no1 rn, but dreamnotfound is poggers also, aswell as karlnap lol. 

Do you have a general upload schedule? (ActuallyBadAtLife)

No, I don't, I should probably have one. And ur username is a mood

teehee i'll try to update ;-; inspo be not there rn :c


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