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~Dream's Perspective~

We spent most of the day at the small shopping centre nearby the school, to be more specific, at McDonalds. We decided it would be a good time to leave after Sapnap had eaten a 7th burger, for the rest of the day we just wandered around the area.

Skeppy seemed very happy, probably because he found out his soulmate was Bad. I was happy for the two of them, but I was also kind of sad and jealous, they made it seem so easy. (oh stfu dream ur just stupid)

Once I was home, I opened up minecraft and headed on hypixel to play some bedwars. I saw Sapnap was online, and asked him if he wanted to play with me. He accepted and started a voice call, which I happily joined. 

"So normal duos or ultimate?" I asked him.

There was silence on the other end for a second, "What's ultimate?"

"It's where you can have a special power-up or ability like double jump."

"Sounds stupid, let's just do normal." 

I joined a match, and the moment the game started we got rushed by yellow.


"I have no idea, help me fight them off." I said.

We spent a lot of time fighting against yellow, when white managed to get over to their base and break their bed. Sapnap and I each got a final kill against yellow.

We played more games, we won most of them.

"Alright, well that was fun!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe for you, I was stuck at the base EVERY GAME!" he yelled.

"Well if you figure out how to speedbridge more than 5 blocks, you can go to mid first!" 

"Oh shut up!"


Sapnap hummed.

"Who was that guy from earlier?"

"What guy?" he said, he can't play dumb with me.

"Hmm, the one that you yelled 'hey mamas' at? Who is he? Your soulmate?"

"Hey! I don't say hey mamas! And-"


"Yeah, I guess I did."

"God, how to people make it seem so easy to figure out who their soulmate is. Skeppy and Bad did so fast."

"Uhhh, no they didn't. They we're completely oblivious, not as oblivious as you, you're actually so dumb."

"What do you mean? I have no idea who he is!"

"Okay, tell me about your soulmate?"

"I do all the time already though.."

"Yeah well do it again."

"Uhh okay, his name is George. His birthday's in November and he lives in America. He's super sweet and has a British acce-"

"Okay now think of people you know named George who have a British accent. I don't know about you but I can think of someone."

I sat there thinking, "Oh.."

"Yeah, you figure it out?"

"Yeah I did, god, how am I so blind dude?"

"Hahah, I have no idea. Anyways, got to go, my mom is calling me. Later!" he hung up right after.

I turned off my pc and grabbed my headphones, then put them in. "Hey George, you there?"

"Yep!" he replied. That would've had to be the quickest he's ever answered to me.

"I want to meet you."

"Y-you do?"

"Yep! How about behind North Shore High in 20?"

"Uhhh sure!" he sounded nervous, but also excited at the same time.

"Great! See you soon!" I ran out of my room, grabbing a jacket and my white smiley mask. 

"Hey mom, I'm going out for a bit!" 

"Okay, be back before midnight, you still have school tomorrow hun!" she said.

"I will, don't worry." I slipped on a pair of checkered vans and pet my cat before grabbing my keys and walking out the door.


I parked across the street from the school and walked across the street. I pulled my white smiley mask over my face, I added some mesh parts where the eyes we're so I could see at this point.

I walked over to behind the school and saw him, "Hey George."


637 words


I don't like this chapter, but yk kinda necessary ig?

ALSO I'M OKAY, I just didn't update here because I was lacking motivation

Anywayyysss I hope you enjoy!

-O/C :D

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