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~George's Perspective~

I woke up to the sun shining through his curtains, when my mother walked in, "George! My baby, what day is it today!?"

I groaned, "Mmm, Sunday?"

"No, you're birthday! You get your soulmate headphones!"

"Oh right,"

"You don't sound excited."

I turned my head away from my mum and tried to fall back asleep. I don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal out of some headphones. Yeah, okay you talk to your soulmate, but what if it's not who you want it to be. I don't want to know who is on the other end, all I know is that it won't be Clay..

I sighed, deciding I should finally get up, I threw on a blue hoodie and black sweatpants and headed to the kitchen. I walked in to see a small blue bag on the counter with a tag that said Happy 16th Birthday George! I just stared at it, not wanting to even see what was inside.

"George!" yelled my sister, shoving the bag towards me. "Open it!"

I grabbed the bag and pulled out headphones, they looked like the white ones you plug into your phone, but they didn't have the metal part that actually went into it.

"What are you waiting for!? Talk to her!"

Right, another thing, I'm gay, but I haven't told my family yet. What if the person on the other end is a girl? No, it couldn't be, the universe knows what people you're attracted to, it wouldn't change that... Right?

"Did you talk to your soulmate yet!?" yelled a familiar voice.

"No bad, I haven't," I answered

"Aww why not? Is it because you like Clay? And you think it's not him?"

"I don't think it's not him, I know it's not."

"No, you don't! You should at least say hi to them. And.. Nick told me Clay hasn't gotten an answer from his soulmate, it could mean that they haven't turned 16 yet!"

"I don't want to talk to them, and when did I ask about Clay's soulmate. He's straight anyways."

Bad sighed, he didn't know what else to get him to talk to them. "You should at least try sometime.."

I looked at bad and glared at him, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry.."

~Clay's Perspective~

I put in my headphones that I had gotten a few months ago.


No answer, again. It's been like this since I've gotten them, I say hi a couple times a day, and every time I get no answer. Have they still not turned 16, or do they just not care. I sighed and decided to text Sapnap about it.


Hey Sap

Hey, what's up?

I tried talking to them again, and they still didn't answer.                                                                             Are soulmate gaps usually this big

I'm not sure, they can sometimes be many years.                                                                                             But most from people I've met its a couple months, maybe their birthday is turn  this month or next month.

You're right, maybe they'll answer later, thank you.

Yeah no problem bud


I sighed and flopped onto my bed, would they really answer? After staring at my ceiling for a while, I went to play Minecraft until it was late. 

~George's perspective~

"Hey honey, how's your soulmate doing?" asked my mom.

"Don't know, I haven't talked to them." I said

"Why not?"

"I don't want to, now can you please leave me alone."

"George, honey, you should talk to them. Or at least say hi, they might have had their headphones for months, just waiting for an answer." she said while walking out of my room.

I picked up my headphones, and played with them in my hands. My mom was probably right, they could've been waiting for while. But I want whoever it is to be Clay, even though that's unrealistic. I put the headphones back on my nightstand and checked my phone, it was now 11:14 pm. It had been later than I thought, so I turned off my lights and went to sleep.

(time skip to like 2:00 am)

I woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. What was I dreaming about?  Then I remember something from it. I was in a dark room, there was a man in front of me, he was really tall, but I couldn't see his face. He grabbed my chin and squeezed it with my hand and then sliced my forehead open with a knife just to see the blood come pouring out. But that's all I could remember, no wonder I was sweating so much. 

There was still quite a while until I had to get up to go to school, so I went back to sleep, or at least tried to.


789 words.

So that's it for the first chapter, I've never written a book like this before so it might not be that great. 

Constructive criticism is appreciated :o

-Onism :D

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