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idk why but normal looking things with derpy happy faces seem absolutely hilarious to me heh

~George's Perspective~

It was our first day back at school after the Christmas break, and to be completely honest, I'd much rather be talking with Dream instead of being here. But, who wouldn't he's just so... dreamy. 

"George!" I hear Bad yell, Sapnap behind him. 

"Hi Bad!" I say enthusiastically. 

"Hey George," Sapnap said to me, he was actually being nice to me. I wonder why..

That's when Clay and Zak arrived, so he wandered off to talk to them. Right, Clay, I had been talking to Dream so much, I had forgotten my big fat crush on him, but seeing him..

"Sooooo, how's Dream." asked Bad.

"He's great," I said. "How's your hottie?"

"What- oh my goodness George, he's doing fine, still trolling with me sometimes." he was as red as a tomato.

The morning went by slowly, it was painful. History and English, could it be any more boring?

Lunch today was going to be different since Bad mentioned Sapnap invited us to eat with him and his friends. I didn't want to, but Bad insisted, I had to at this point.

We walked over, I found myself hiding behind Bad. "Hey muffins!"

A boy with dark hair and a blue hoodie spat out some of his drink at Bad's words. "Muffins?"

"Yeah I call everyone I know a muffin," said Bad in a happy tone.

The raven-haired boy, Clay and Nick all shared a look, and smiled at us. We sat down and it went on as it normally would.

"So, why does everyone call you bad?" asked Zak.

"Oh it's short for badboyhalo, I can't remember where the name originated from, you can also call me Darryl." 

Skeppy looked as if he was about to pass out. "Darry..."

"Huh?" asked Bad.

"Oh, uh it's nothing." Skeppy sat up and grabbed his phone.

The rest of lunch continued as it normally would, but I was with 4 other people, instead of 1. The afternoon was also quite boring, but I was happy to go home and talk with Dream.

Arriving home, I dropped my bag on the floor and ran to my room, putting in my earphones (yeah that's what those ones are called, just know I mean the same thing lol.) "Dream?"

"Heya Georgie." he said calmly. "How was school?"

"Boring, so very boring."

"Same with me, god why can't people be interesting?"

"No idea," I giggled.

We talked for a while, but eventually he had to leave, which was fine. I just played minecraft until I got tired.

~third person poverties but bad & Skeppy stuff~

Skeppy got home, his mind was all over the place, he met his soulmate, but Bad didn't know he was his soulmate. I need to tell him, now, he thought. Putting in his headphones, he took a deep breath, "Darry you there?"

Why is this so much harder?

"Hey Geppy!" said Bad. "What's up?"

Skeppy sat there silently, unsure of what he should say. "Geppy?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm just a bit distracted." 

"With what? Anything I can help with?"

"Your eyes are just so pretty."


"Your glasses suit you very well also."

"Wait, you've seen me?"

"Yup." said Skeppy, you could hear the nervousness in his voice. 

"Where?" said Bad excitedly.

"At school.."

"Oh, well who are you?"

Oh right, I'd need to say who I am, right? I mean, I could just surprise him tomorrow, or later this week, or tonight, thought Skeppy.

"I'm- uhh."

"You don't need to tell me if you're not ready for me to know who you are," mumbled Bad, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"O-oh, thanks." 

Bad had a soft smile on his face, "Well, I need to go now, talk to you soon!"

Skeppy took off his headphones, he did feel kind of bad for not telling Darryl who he was, but they had just met in person and it felt weird. It's easy to talk to someone you don't really know, but when you meet them, it just doesn't feel the same anymore.

I can tell him tomorrow, maybe..


685 words

Yes I know this is short

Sorry for slow updates, I've been pretty busy trying to keep up in school since I've been moved to online.


https://twitter.com/cryptozoic_   I just say random stuff here-

https://www.tiktok.com/@techno.axe?lang=en  random edits n stuff

https://www.tiktok.com/@cryptozoic_?lang=en  random minecraft content lol

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd-wIa5OB12QR9mFlZK3DVw I MIGHT UPLOAD HERE SOON :0

I also have a twitch but I don't stream since my computer probably couldn't handle streaming, but idk :P

Have a wonderful day!

-Onism :D

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