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This chapter will mainly be skephalo focused :)

~Bad's Perspective~

It had been a few days since Skeppy had told me he knows who I am, but he still hadn't told me who he was (big sad). If I'm being honest, it makes me a bit sad, but if he's not ready to tell me that's fine

"Bad?" said George, tapping my shoulder.

"Huh?" I said, snapping out of my thoughts.

"You gonna drive us to school or..?"

"Oh, right." I pressed my foot down on the pedal and started driving to school.

"So," George said, breaking the silence. "Any word from Skeppy, you know who he is yet?"

"No," I sighed, "I don't think he wants me to know who he is.."

"Aw cheer up. He definitely does, he probably just wants you to figure it out like he did."

I shrugged and parked my car, "See you later Bad, I have a project to finish!"

George walked into the crowd of people surrounding the door, I wandered over to the bleachers to avoid all the people (haha me). I was getting my playlist set up when two arms wrapped around my waist, making me jump. "Zak?"

"Hi!" he giggled, his cheeks red as cherries.

"I thought you'd be hanging out with Sapnap or Clay..?" I said confused, but wrapping my arms around his back.

"They're not here, and I saw you alone, you I thought I'd keep you company." he mumbled, digging his nose into my neck.

"Okay you muffin."

We walked over to the bleachers and sat in silence, only a few other kids around, listening to music or reading. Zak was scrolling through Twitter, so I just tuned into my music, when he gently pushed me.

"What Zak?" I said, pausing my music and taking my right earbud out.

"Can I listen with you?" he asked, looking over at me. I handed over one side and kept playing my music, as he laid his head on my shoulder.

Zak was being oddly clingy, we had gotten to know each other better over the last little while, but it didn't bother me.


I grabbed my phone to see George had texted me.

George :)

So school just got cancelled for today


Apparently some sort of gas leak, that's why nobody was being let in. Anyways, where r u?

I'm at the bleachers w Zak

Okay, I'll come if I can find Nick and Clay :/

Alright, see you in a bit :D


"What was that about?" questioned Zak, he looked like he had just woken up.

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