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(time skip to the end of December :P)

~George's Perspective~

"Do it now George," said Bad. "You agreed you would before the new year!"

I sighed, headphones in my hands, I regret making this deal. I slowly put them in my ears, "Hello?"

It was silent for a while, "There's nobody there, " I whined.

"Just wait a bit, I'm sure they'll talk at some point."

I sunk into the couch and pulled down the skin on my face. "Hellooooo?"

Silence once again, "They're not there, can we stop now?"

"No George, just wait, it was like this for me too. I'm sure they'll be there soon." said Bad with slightly less confidence in his voice. 

I got my phone out and scrolled though twitter when I heard a voice, "Hello? Anyone there today?"

My eyes widened and my phone slipped out of my hand. Bad seemed to notice and he sat up attentively.

"Hello?" said the voice again. I heard whoever it was sigh, "I don't think they're here again, maybe I should check later..."

"No, wait!" I yelled into the mic.

I heard a thud come from the other side, "Oh my god. Hi!"

It was silent for a bit, "Sorry if you heard that. You caught me by surprise and I fell off my bed." they chuckled. 

"Oh sorry, I-"

"So what's your name?" they said, cutting me off.

"I'm, uh- George. What's your name?"


"No, like your real name."

"You took months to answer me, you only get Dream!" he giggled.

I groaned, "It hasn't been that long, I got mine in November!"

"November!? You waited two months to talk to me!? You don't even know me and you already hate me!" D:

"No, it's- I don't hate you!"

I heard what sounded like a tea kettle from the other side, but it Dream laughing.

"Who the hell laughs like that!?"

"Shut up British boy, you probably sound like a little girl when you laugh."

I gasped dramatically, "You didn't."

"Oh yes I did."

I heard laughter from across from me, Bad was dying of laughter.

"Calm down!" I yelled at him.

"What?" said Dream.

"Oh, not you, my friend is with me right now."

"Ah, makes sense, I'm always calm. Anyways I gotta go, talk later British Man!"

That's when it went silent again, "He called me British Man.."

"Heh, British Man," giggled Bad. "I should just call you that from now on!"

"Do that and I won't buy you muffins anymore."


I burst out laughing, Bad laughing with me.

~Dream's Perspective~

It was the end of December, and I still haven't heard from my soulmate, and it was getting old. Maybe, I should just try one more time. I rolled over to grab my headphones off the floor and said, "Hello? Anyone there today?"

It was no surprise when nobody answered again, "Hello? I don't think they're here again, maybe I should check later..."

I was about to take them out when I heard a man's voice, "No wait!"

I fell off my bed, he caught me off guard. It also surprised me that it wasn't a girl. I am bi, but girls are always all over me, and it's pretty annoying.

"Oh my god. Hi!" I said

We talked for a while, I learned his name is George and he's British. When I had to leave I said goodbye to the British boy, and fell back onto my mattress, letting out a sigh.

"So who were you talking to?" I heard my younger sister say.

"My soulmate, they finally answered."

"That's great! And a British boy too, how lucky can you be?" 

I smiled, "Yeah yeah, he's pretty great from what I've heard so far. Now, can you please get out of my room?"

She walked out, closing the door behind her. I pulled out my phone and decided to talk to Sapnap about what had happened.



Oh my god, what do you want?


Oh sick bro! I'm so happy for you!

Yeah, his name is George and he's British, but he waited 2 months to talk to me.

That's great, but I don't remember asking lol

Wow rude >:(

Relax, I'm messing with you, anyways I need to go so talk tomorrow? Cya

Sure, bye!

I couldn't stop smiling at the thought of the boy on the other end of the headphones. His voice was so cute, and he overall just seemed super sweet. But the thing was, I don't know anyone with a a British accent other than Wilbur, who already has his soulmate. Did they live in the UK? Maybe I should ask him later. 

I looked at the time, seeing it was 11:58, it would be the new year in two minutes. And I would start the year knowing who my soulmate was, which made me feel much better about it.

I heard my family starting to count down the last 10 seconds of the year.











"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" they all screamed

I smiled to myself, I felt that this year would be a good one.


847 words

Oof, it took me like a week to write this ;-;

Yeah so George used his headphones finally. pog!


I want to let you all know, I do not ship anyone in this story irl. This is mainly based off their online personas/how they are online. I also absolutely will not write any smut, it makes me extremely uncomfortable, I may write some suggestive things btw.

That's it :))


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